I totally feel like Gollum. The jeweler called to tell me my ring is ready, and I can pick it up at 4:00 (they're a tiny independent jeweler, with a staff of 3, and they have appointments throughout the day with people, so you can't really just wander in without throwing off their whole day, and I respect that).
Except I'm all, MINE! We wants the precious NOW!
Eee, precious is ready!
I recommend crouching outside the front door from now until 4:00 and snarling at anyone else who tries to enter.
That's not a bad way to kill 3 hours!
I will continue to not light the jeweler's hat on fire. But I will THINK it. I suppose that's a good test to see if I can light things on fire with the power of my mind.
(Really, I have work to do that should kill those 3 hours, but I'm all distracted now.)
I'm also waiting for my new sneakers to be delivered so I can go to the gym and walk without getting shin splints. I am VERY BAD at delayed gratification, people!
Happiest of Birthdays, Laura!
ETA: And may the time between now and 4:00 fly.
Have a happy birthday, Laura!