You guys!! I had to scroll back 225 messages to find last month's checkins! Because we rock! And I still can't post without exclamation points!
I wrapped up a project today, with happy clients, and a big feeling of YAY DONE. I like handoffs. I like them so much better than finishing up a period of contract work, or a maintenance/upgrade/tweaky jobbie, or whatever else, even if the pay and work were exactly the same. It's like, hey, we made this thing! Look at it all shiny and new!
So after that, I took a two-hour vacation. I mean really took a vacation: walked out of the client's office reeeeally slow on this absolutely gorgeous day, and got myself lunch (out! not at my desk!) and took the slow way home, totally in the moment the whole time, and took a little nap, and THEN got back to hitting refresh on a million different things.
I'm definitely one of those freelancers who does it for the lifestyle rather than doing it to make the big bucks. And I'm pretty good at refusing to let myself get into overcommitment and 16-hour workdays and all that -- I'd rather live leaner but saner, and anyway getting all macho over that stuff is for the birds 25-year-olds. But even so, I carry work with me. If I'm not being productive, I'm still thinking about it, whether it's some project or just angsting about how I'm not being more productive. If I'm on official vacation (as opposed to today's 2-hour kind), I always have the laptop and phone along with me. Y'all know the drill, I'm sure.
So, a bonus check-in question, if anyone wants one: What's your best micro-break, whether it's a few minutes or stealing an extra hour? Can you turn off the "I could be working" nag?
Financially, we're finishing the month fairly flush (well, for us, anyway), and I got my invoices out today. So that's good. I'm finally making my share of the load... although I also think I keep tabs on that way, way closer than S does. Had a slack time in the middle of the month which scared me, but we did a tough reset on our spending, and that evened things out a lot. Still working on the plan to get the reserves built up.
Looking ahead, I need to pick up projects, and soon. Slack times are bad for the soul. Or the anxiety. Or whatchamacallit. I have some better sources now for short-term gigs, and I'm planning to fill in between bigger projects with those, if I can get the balance sorted right.
Still learning so much with this business thing, and still so much to learn.