I got laid off my Imagineering back in 1999 and started looking for a new job. While that was going on I just picked up whatever design work I could. I got connected to a studio that did the dialog recording for cartoons and was one of their overhire folks for about a year and a half, I taught part time, and all kinds of crazy things. I realized about 2 years later that I wasn't really looking for a full time job any more, and that somehow I was always working. I rarely knew beyond about 2 weeks what my next gig was going to be, but somehow it just come happening. From there it's just been a 10+ year slow build, adding rental equipment, getting bigger clients, adding staff, all kinds of stuff. If you'd asked me in 1999 if I would consider being a small business owner and having employees, I would have laughed at you.
Along the way I discovered that I really enjoy running a business. Who knew.
Along the way I discovered that I really enjoy running a business. Who knew.
Right? Being my own boss is one of the best things in my life. Terrifying, but my own terror!
Most people I know who started a business, ND included, had some very lean years before they finally either started being profitable or decided to get another job. I have so much respect for you brave, entrepreneurial spirits who take that plunge. It has tremendous rewards, but it sure isn't an easy road.
Yeah, I had a lot of years of just barely getting by while working myself almost to death. I had two roommates and was making ends meet by designing 4 or 5 tiny theatre shows a month for a few hundred dollars each.
I'm fine with some reduction in income. Actually I am fine with a lot, if it's relaced by psychic income.
Psychic income? Not to be underestimated, ever. Although it helps that DH just now got word of a nice raise -- still not enough for us to live on one income, but we'll be a little less squeezed.
Oh lord. I love my psychic income. My psychic bank account is over flowing. It is, frankly, my reason for living. I can't imagine being MORE fulfilled by my craft.
Now, I just need the factual bank account to reflect the same!
It's been 11 years of just making it...while incurring more debt.
If there is a formula for turning it all around, I haven't found it yet. But, I keep trying.
If only I could find a credit card company that would take psychic income. Lord knows they need it.
If only I could find a credit card company that would take psychic income. Lord knows they need it.
Oh my god. That would be perfect. I could fund a small nation with my psychic credit and those companies really COULD use some.
I've been challenged, expect MORE challenges and I am obviously still finding my way, but I am getting such a rush and a huge sense of satisfaction from this so far.