Scrappy, hooray for "good" news, and vibing for better.
...I had to explain "fleshlight" to H. IDEK.
Jesse! I submitted a video to goodthings, but forgot to caption it. It's called "the mountain", if you can caption it before it posts. If it posts. Thankee.
Cash, sorry about the headache, but yes, good husband!
Sara, want pictures of your door (of course). Hi-gloss is a PITA.
I'll try and get pics up of the new "china cabinet". We got a Billy bookcase with glass doors off craigslist, especially to display my random cups and saucers, cream jugs, sugar bowls, and teapots. We've decided not to light it, as the lights I want don't exist. I had planned to put two place settings plus serving pieces of our really pretty good china (we do have a set, not just random magpie-gathered shinies), but until I got the plate holder thingies, I put my gramma's batter bowl, the brown betty with the downturned spout, the antique apothecary jar we found at a genuine apothecary in Edam (passing over the genuine Delft tiles covered in plaster and mortar they had in a basket by the door for a penny apiece. I had no idea from Delft at the time) the red-green-yellow pottery pitcher we brought back from Nurnberg and have used for eggnog every Christmas on that shelf. H objected to moving the "things" for the china. "These are more interesting."
Seriously? I could have made a decent living as a windowdresser in a city large enough to support such a profession.