I just spent the last five minutes seriously pondering whether there was any way in which Hitchens doesn't piss me off, and I came up with exactly nothing.
No, wait. Back in the early to mid 90s when I was still subscribing to
The Nation
and Hitchens was toppling on the brink of the sneering right-wing chasm he currently inhabits, but not quite toppled, he would intermittently write a thoughtful, sensible column that didn't make me cringe. But the good ones were always sandwiched in between six weeks or so of bile that made me want to either scratch my head or punch him in the neck. And then
The Nation
finally, mercifully (for the subscribers, at least) sacked him.
So, uh, I guess there was that time twenty years ago when he was occasionally less than 100% unbearable. Thus endeth my praise and extolling of his virtues.
JZ Meyers
The internet already has one of those. His name is Fred Clark.
Dear construction guys on the roof,
I know it's been very rainy lately and you kind of have to work on weekends in order to get this shit over and done with, but if you wake my daughter up from her third attempted nap of the day, I WILL CUT YOU.
4th floor-apartment dweller.
(PS, but if you're also putting in the back doors downstairs, I will bake you a cake. See how fickle I am?)
JZ Meyers
The internet already has one of those. His name is Fred Clark.
I love you, JZ, and I am going to stealz you from your hubby. Start packing your bags.
I don't know. Will I be stashed amongst the lawnmowers, or can you bribe Tim to rig up a Jilli-quality gilded cage for me?
If you leave her outside with the drill press, somebody will surely walk off with her.
She's worth her weight in copper.
Okay, got it. Thanks, Jessica.
I think House is a prick because he wants people to be as unhappy as he is, or he at least wants to prove that people *are* as unhappy as he is, even when they claim not to be.
I am wondering what a Fleshlight is. I am sort of imaging a flashlight shaped like a vagina, from Allyson's comments. I am not planning to Google.
Are you wondering in the way that you want us to tell you, flea? With links? Or just idly pondering?
Many sciences use just-so stories to explain. It becomes suspicious when just-so stories are all there is. EP does not have to do this, but mostly it does. BTW, leaving typo uncorrected ...
flea, that's basically what it is.
JZ, Tim can rig up a lovely cage, and we will feed you vegetarian foods!
She's worth her weight in copper.
Awwww! I think my scrap-metal-recycling boyfriend will approve of this compliment.