Oh shit, could I have deducted health insurance premiums? Meh, it wouldn't have helped that much, I don't think.
I'm watching Modern Family and laughing about how my cousin was saying it is her family. It's funny because of how true it must be about so many families.
Well, there's two bits. You can put your health insurance premiums in the normal health expenses category. That's what I did initially. But that amount has to be pretty high for it to count at all. So in my case, that was just zeroed out.
The second bit is if you're self-employed, in which case there's an entirely different place where you put your health insurance premiums, which can be deducted 100%. That was (obviously now) what I did last year, and what I have done now. But it wasn't immediately obvious, because it was lumped in an "other adjustments" category, so I could see that it was different, but I couldn't see why.
I was self-employed for half the year, so. Meh.
Oh, Friday Night Lights...
Originally he said it was the weakest episode. But then people mentioned Beer Bad and Bad Eggs.
They didn't mention Doublemeat Palace (or half of Season 7, for that matter)?
e_o, thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, not a Costco member and I'd need to try it on (I buy super tight for laps-32/6, not sure what size I'd be for fashion.)
OK, so this weekend, I want to: patch and prime the door. Tomorrow, that and paint the inside, since it will be raining. Also probably clean the exterior side. Which I'll prime and hopefully paint Sunday. And do laundry. And do a round of vacuuming and maybe carpet clean. And, of course, get 4+ miles of swimming in.
Even having done my regular shopping earlier this week, I still have to go to the hardware store to muck with paint and supplies tomorrow morning. Oh, and I need to get a doorstop. And market first.
I may be being overly ambitious.