and they took a stock photo of a plate of ribs and photoshopped the bones out.
I'm sorry some people feel their world is all askew, but that's really funny.
Nothing I make ever looks like the picture, except cakes.
I'm working on my taxes too. I've been avoiding them because I know I owe a lot. Taxes (and health insurance) are the two worst things about self employment.
My suggestion was to e-mail him a copy of the file he sent us, with that section highlighted, and to ask him exactly what part of HIS correction is the problem.
That's what I'd do. Only, you know, translated into passive-aggressive corporate bullshitspeak.
The internet is so weird. Since we put our new fancy dancy welcome to the 90's web form mailing list signup up, we got two new subscriptions, one from Morocco and one from the Ukraine. Who in the Ukraine is fascinated with music lessons for Navajo kids?
This is the most hardcore fitness center release and waiver of liability I have ever signed:
On behalf of myself, my heirs, descendants, ancestors, executors, administrators, agents, representatives, successors and assigns...
state and fed taxes are done, but I cannot efile, and now must gather more documents before I can mail in. That will be tomorrow.
Got my end table cleared off. That does not appear to be where my tax papers are hiding. Taking a break before continuing.
That "touch each piece of paper once" strategy is not ever going to work for me. I am too indecisive.
That "touch each piece of paper once" strategy is not ever going to work for me.
I'd end up carrying around a lot of paper.
I love my ortho at this one hospital but OMG is it a pain to deal with anything else there!!
My suggestion was to e-mail him a copy of the file he sent us, with that section highlighted, and to ask him exactly what part of HIS correction is the problem.
That's what I'd do. Only, you know, translated into passive-aggressive corporate bullshitspeak.
Incompetent!Boss spoke with the author (it really was a comedy of errors -- every phone number we had for him was wrong, which is hilarious, since he gave us the wrong city for his own job), and told him we could make the change (we CAN, it's just a pain, since the issue went to press yesterday), and then Incompetent!Boss pointed out that we were just using the info the author gave us.
Well done, I!B. Well done.
Onerous task: reading up on how to do subcutaneous fluid injections on cats. (Guess who has decided to stop drinking water, and is showing very little interest in food? ARgh.)
Oh, dear. If there's any good news, sub-Q fluid is not that onerous if the cat is reasonably cooperative, especially if someone's available to hold the cat. (Helpful hint you probably won't find in the book: If you have a free hand, squeeze the bag once the fluid flow has started. It's a harmless way to get fluid into cat faster.)