Jesus, Jesse, I don't like you
much. As if.
I have calls out to two doctors about meds. Let's see if either of them do anything. And one pharmacy calling another doctor about meds. I expect no traction on that either. Good thing I have a lot of work to do.
I thought I was doing so much better.
we all need help at various times. Don't beat yourself up about it. You'll get better.
Allyson, it's peaks and valleys, depression. You are probably still doing better than you were at your lowest point, and you're able to recognize when things are going off for you, so you can prevent the lowest of the lows from happening.
That leaves me nothing to do but nod my head, so I will.
Is Southern Indiana and Illinois considered "the South"? Because I've never really thought so, but folks still have the Southern accent here.
I think it is southern in sensibilities while geographically still being midwest.
Currently living in southwestern Ohio, I agree with this 100%.
I think some of the accent may be Appalachian, though, or a combination.
YOU GUYS. I don't have to move! Definitely not by 10/31, and possibly indefinitely!!! It's like magic. Those fucking assholes at the management company. I mean, not the nice lady I spoke to who told me this, but the anonymous corporation that sent me the registered letter.
tommyrot, I believe that's what they call "braglaining." Good on ya.
It's like magic.
That was fast Jesse. Did you sacrifice a chicken or something?
I don't understand, Jesse. They were just fucking with you?