Thank you so much, everyone for the well-wishes!
Just got a text from the babysitter that Aeryn took 2 steps.
1 - Girl, those milestones are for Mommy, not Nessa!
Oh, goodness!!!! Aeryn, we’re not ready for this!
So, weekend plans - hanging with a 3 year old and an 8 month old tomorrow, sleeping all day Sunday.
I heartily approve of this plan! Hope you have survived day one!
Not really news to anyone here, but KAT ROCKS!
Yes, she does! Yay for gifties!
My card will read, "Dear Neavie, Wonder Woman is my favorite princess. I hope you like her, too!"
This is manipulative, right?
No, Allyson. It’s perfect.
Fuuuuuck. I have to move. As of 10/31. What's even more awesome is I'm supposed to be out of town that weekend.
Oh, no! Can I help in some way?
The upside is I figure all of the places available now are adult apartments.
That’s actually quite true.
Moving is such a fantastic pain even in the best of circumstances that I'm furious on your behalf that you're being given almost no notice.
SO much this.
I want to tell my parents that if they get xmas gift for the kids to get us Signing Time videos because let's be clear, that's what we really need. Is that tacky?
No, but our family kind of expects wish lists…so, I don’t know.
He drew her a card with them holding hands with little hearts all over it.
Oh, goodness. That is just precious. I can’t believe she’s FIVE!
Wow--I just got the account restored.
Oh, phew! That’s great news. I don’t know what I’d do if that happened. Ok, I’d probably start by crying.
As it turns out, Hulu+ won't help me because FOX has gone insane. It seems only Dish network subscribers can get the episodes before 8 days. And no new episodes of the current season are even on iTunes!
I KNOW! I think this is a really terrible move on their part. I suspect that won’t last long.
I had a super productive day, thank you evernote.
A friend of mine’s husband was just hired by evernote! Of course, it means they’re moving to SF, and that makes me sad. But I’m thinking I really need to check it out!
"You're David M. Pickett! I'm lpett13 and I'm your biggest fan!"
That’s freaking adorable!
Set list included most of his big hits including "Affair of the Heart," "Don't Talk to Stangers," "Bop 'til You Drop," "Love Somebody," "Human Touch," and of course "Jessie's Girl." He also came out to perform "Kristina" for the encore, and 62-year-olds should not look that good without a shirt.
If they are Rick Springfield, they totally should. I think it's a law somewhere.
You know, Rick's early 70s Australian Bubblegum project Mission Magic is super primo 'gum. Great hooks.
I saw him when he was 50 and he looked fan-fucking-tastic back then. Awesome live show.
JIlli, I met an LJ friend of yours on IO9. I don't know what name you'd know her by, but I have asked,
eta: SMU?
Owen told him he didn't understand why he was doing a reboot of his webcomic. The guy then explained he was spoofing DC's recent comic reboot to which Owen replied, "Well, that makes sense."
It makes more sense than the actual DC reboot.
I am full of Indian food and watching with bemusement as Tim puts mail in a ziploc baggie. (No, I have NO idea.)
If they are Rick Springfield, they totally should. I think it's a law somewhere.
Looking back at his 80s videos also made a few things click about why I find Jack Harkness attractive.
In a bizarre story, a man and his car went over into a ravine next to the Angeles Highway. He was missing for days (5 or 7?) so his kids did a search and found him. He was next to another car with man who had been missing (and dead) for 10 days. How bizarre that the two cars, which weren't in an accident together, were in the same spot. [link] Article about it. Both men are over 65 and that stretch of road is all curves and inclines. Scary.
Yes, the second man was the father of my neighbor. I'm going to suggest people stay off that road
In better news -- it has been an all music weekend. It has been fun watching DH geek out with his tribe
watching with bemusement as Tim puts mail in a ziploc baggie. (No, I have NO idea.)
Okay, I misrepresented him; he wasn't putting mail in a ziploc baggie. He was putting *financial records* in a ziploc baggie. (WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN.)
As it turns out, Hulu+ won't help me because FOX has gone insane. It seems only Dish network subscribers can get the episodes before 8 days. And no new episodes of the current season are even on iTunes!
I KNOW! I think this is a really terrible move on their part. I suspect that won’t last long.
I was a about to say maybe Glee fans will scream at them, but I just noticed that new eps of Glee are on iTunes. So is FOX trying to make the lower rated shows harder to watch? Why does FOX hate me?