I'm woman enough to admit I had just as much fun at the Brickworld Lego Expo as the kids did. Lego Serenity!
Owen rushed across the floor to meet his favorite Youtuber, David Pickett who does the Nightly News at Nine Lego stop-motion animation. He walked up to the table, and said, "You're David M. Pickett! I'm lpett13 and I'm your biggest fan!" I took their picture and they talked Lego for a bit.
maple bacon biscuit
You'd think there would be an "eat a fucking muffin whitey" joke in there, except it sounds too nom nom nom.
American Horror looks like three steps beyond American Gothic (anyone remember that show? with Gary Cole and Paige Turco?)
Heh. That was the first time i remembering seeing Gary Cole. The second was Office Space (I missed the Brady Bunch movies on purpose). That's a bit of contrast, I must say.
I love Owen. I wish I had that much confidence sometimes.
That was the first time i remembering seeing Gary Cole.
I think the first thing I ever saw him in was the TV movie of Fatal Vision, which certainly set my impression of him for a while.
I love Owen. I wish I had that much confidence sometimes.
The guy who does Reasonably Clever was there--in fact, he did the Lego Serenity. Owen told him he didn't understand why he was doing a reboot of his webcomic. The guy then explained he was spoofing DC's recent comic reboot to which Owen replied, "Well, that makes sense."
to which Owen replied, "Well, that makes sense."
Owen wins! Man, I can remember when you were pregnant with him. Time frigging flies.
Time frigging flies.
Seriously. I was amazed at how quick the dojo kids have grown. The baby is so close to walking and she is only 8 months old. Then I remember my own kids were that little just a second ago. I swear.
Nommy sushi for dinner. I'm ready to crawl in bed and sleep at least 12 hours. But first I'd have to get up and move.
maple bacon biscuit
I had one too! Well half a one and half a duck fat biscuit. And then a lot of venison chili and cornbread and apple crisp. YAY FALL!
All the annoyances of today were more than made up for by the Rick Springfield concert. That's the most fun I've had at a musical performance in years and years. He cracked me up by repeatedly playing the opening chords of "Jessie's Girl" after announcing new songs to keep people from mobbing the port-a-potties.
Set list included most of his big hits including "Affair of the Heart," "Don't Talk to Stangers," "Bop 'til You Drop," "Love Somebody," "Human Touch," and of course "Jessie's Girl." He also came out to perform "Kristina" for the encore, and 62-year-olds should not look that good without a shirt.
Thank you so much, everyone for the well-wishes!
Just got a text from the babysitter that Aeryn took 2 steps.
1 - Girl, those milestones are for Mommy, not Nessa!
Oh, goodness!!!! Aeryn, we’re not ready for this!
So, weekend plans - hanging with a 3 year old and an 8 month old tomorrow, sleeping all day Sunday.
I heartily approve of this plan! Hope you have survived day one!
Not really news to anyone here, but KAT ROCKS!
Yes, she does! Yay for gifties!
My card will read, "Dear Neavie, Wonder Woman is my favorite princess. I hope you like her, too!"
This is manipulative, right?
No, Allyson. It’s perfect.
Fuuuuuck. I have to move. As of 10/31. What's even more awesome is I'm supposed to be out of town that weekend.
Oh, no! Can I help in some way?
The upside is I figure all of the places available now are adult apartments.
That’s actually quite true.
Moving is such a fantastic pain even in the best of circumstances that I'm furious on your behalf that you're being given almost no notice.
SO much this.
I want to tell my parents that if they get xmas gift for the kids to get us Signing Time videos because let's be clear, that's what we really need. Is that tacky?
No, but our family kind of expects wish lists…so, I don’t know.
He drew her a card with them holding hands with little hearts all over it.
Oh, goodness. That is just precious. I can’t believe she’s FIVE!
Wow--I just got the account restored.
Oh, phew! That’s great news. I don’t know what I’d do if that happened. Ok, I’d probably start by crying.
As it turns out, Hulu+ won't help me because FOX has gone insane. It seems only Dish network subscribers can get the episodes before 8 days. And no new episodes of the current season are even on iTunes!
I KNOW! I think this is a really terrible move on their part. I suspect that won’t last long.
I had a super productive day, thank you evernote.
A friend of mine’s husband was just hired by evernote! Of course, it means they’re moving to SF, and that makes me sad. But I’m thinking I really need to check it out!
"You're David M. Pickett! I'm lpett13 and I'm your biggest fan!"
That’s freaking adorable!