Will they still charge if you use it as a credit card instead of debit w/ pin, I wonder?
I wonder too. Because I rarely use my debit card to charge things, but it's good to have a back-up in case my credit card doesn't work for some reason. I certainly don't use it enough to justify $5 a month. Damn.
Thank you le n - I'll do this. After a nap and a beverage.
I use my card all the damn time. But it was time I was out of BofA anyway.
Someone just called asking for my late father, who passed away more than a decade ago. I told them "Shay can't be reached by phone. You would have to use an entirely different medium."
Yeah, but she has to live in Oklahoma.
houses where I am are affordable. people really should move here.
People, why can't I shake the tired today? I even took a nap. Like, two hours ago. And now I want another one. Admittedly I only ate pasta and drank coffee today. Is that why? Do I lack nourishment?
I believe you lack nourishment. I'm going to say protein in particular. Come to think of it, same here.
I just made a run to the store for baking staples, so now I feel like I should make something. Maybe polenta; I've never made my own before.
This is random, but I have to share something a friend posted elsewhere:
Reason I gave son for why explosives would not be a good garden squirrel deterrent: They don't have a strong enough oral history.