My mother is a night person who for years measured her consumption of coffee in pots. She's cut down.
That's my mom too!
I can be good in the early morning or late at night as long as I get 7-8 hours of sleep in there somewhere. And about 12 oz of coffee (only in the morning).
My family is serious about their coffee, though. My sister will cut you if you give her instant or High Mountain. Blue or go home.
I am accumulating a pile of electronics and batteries I need to get rid of. I know the electronics are going to Goodwill--how am I supposed to get rid of the batteries?
According to my mother, I stumbled around semiconscious in the morning from the time I was a toddler. One of the more annoying things about moving away from home was that people talked to me in the morning. My family knew better.
Heh. I had a roommate who considered this a character flaw on my part. When I interviewed the loon I TOLD her "I'm not a morning person. I shower at night and eat breakfast at the office so there is little need to interact with me in the morning."
She kept hitting me with cheery greetings and lively discussion until I lost my shit one morning. That's when she explained "I've been trying to improve your personality". She was lucky I didn't improve her face.
Those people have so much more time for living :(
Yeah, but I totally waste it on stupid crap. Like staying up until 3AM reading fanfiction that I had already read! I mean, it was really good, but still!
One of the more annoying things about moving away from home was that people talked to me in the morning.
yeah, I had to have that talk with a roommate. She was all hurt that I didn't talk, and kept thinking that I was mad at her. I had to explain, no, it's just morning and I'm angry at being awake.
I know the electronics are going to Goodwill--how am I supposed to get rid of the batteries?
In DC, you take them to the recycling center. I go about once a year. I take my batteries and light bulbs.
Yeah, but I totally waste it on stupid crap. Like staying up until 3AM reading fanfiction that I had already read! I mean, it was really good, but still!
Bill Clinton slept four hours a night while he was in office. Would that his vice had been fic.
I want lost puppies to come home and job situations to stabilize, please!
I'm so having Lola chipped when she goes in to get spayed at the end of the month.
My weekend was extremely better than most. My trivia team came in 12th out of 495 teams and the derby team scrimmaged with another team and didn't suck!
I cannot express how much fun it is to get out there and actually PLAY derby!!!
Much much ma to both Gud and Sparky.
She kept hitting me with cheery greetings and lively discussion until I lost my shit one morning. That's when she explained "I've been trying to improve your personality". She was lucky I didn't improve her face.
Good lord, I'm a quasi-morning person (which wreaks havoc with me also being a night-owl) and this would have made me cut someone.