I want lost puppies to come home and job situations to stabilize, please!
I'm so having Lola chipped when she goes in to get spayed at the end of the month.
My weekend was extremely better than most. My trivia team came in 12th out of 495 teams and the derby team scrimmaged with another team and didn't suck!
I cannot express how much fun it is to get out there and actually PLAY derby!!!
Much much ma to both Gud and Sparky.
She kept hitting me with cheery greetings and lively discussion until I lost my shit one morning. That's when she explained "I've been trying to improve your personality". She was lucky I didn't improve her face.
Good lord, I'm a quasi-morning person (which wreaks havoc with me also being a night-owl) and this would have made me cut someone.
I wake up with enough time to hit the bathroom and get dressed and drive in, so if anyone tries to talk to me it throws off my whole schedule. I don't have time for a personality in the morning.
Hey, it's free Ben & Jerry's cone day, if that helps anyone?
Questionable Content gave a shout-out today to the webcomic Darwin Carmichael Is Going to Hell, and I've been reading through it.
I can't stop laughing at this strip.
people talked to me in the morning. My family knew better.
I once made my freshman roommate, a friend from hs, cry just by looking at her in the morning. It was in response to a comment that I felt insulted my intelligence.
ita, batteries are usually classified as Household Hazardous Waste. Try googling that for your area. Also, maybe check wih your local Target.
Gah. Someone tell me to work. I had a SQUIRREL moment and I haven't been able to find my way back since.
Gah. Someone tell me to work. I had a SQUIRREL moment and I haven't been able to find my way back since.
I will if you will. I've been in Squirrel mode for two days.