Dammit, that's not what I meant to have for breakfast.
I'm a decent night person. I can stay up really late. But I guess the fact that I can wake up really early is more important and I'm better characterised as a morning person. You remember my reaction to the idea that I should have caffeine in the mornings. It just doesn't seem right for me to need it. I got 40 years without it. Up is up.
It wouldn't help me on a crap morning like this anyway.
According to my mother, I stumbled around semiconscious in the morning from the time I was a toddler. One of the more annoying things about moving away from home was that people talked to me in the morning. My family knew better.
A conversation I once had with someone in the FAC:
"If you get up at 9:00, half the morning is gone!"
"Yes, the
My first boss didn't believe I was a real computer programmer because I didn't chug caffeine drinks. I pulled all nighters, sure. I just did them without chemicals.
Maybe that's why he never paid me as much as the guys.
My mother is a very early riser, but she's also a huge coffee drinker. I never worked out if she needed it, but she sure liked it. My sister never picked up the morning habit--for her and my father it's more likely to be an after dinner thing. I guess we're all annoying.
I guess I don't need as much caffeine as other people because I drink (black) tea, not coffee? But I drink it all day long. And I don't feel entirely coherent until after the second cup.
I also don't feel entirely awake until after my second or third cigarette.
My mother is a night person who for years measured her consumption of coffee in pots. She's cut down.
My mother is a night person who for years measured her consumption of coffee in pots. She's cut down.
That's my mom too!
I can be good in the early morning or late at night as long as I get 7-8 hours of sleep in there somewhere. And about 12 oz of coffee (only in the morning).
My family is serious about their coffee, though. My sister will cut you if you give her instant or High Mountain. Blue or go home.
I am accumulating a pile of electronics and batteries I need to get rid of. I know the electronics are going to Goodwill--how am I supposed to get rid of the batteries?
According to my mother, I stumbled around semiconscious in the morning from the time I was a toddler. One of the more annoying things about moving away from home was that people talked to me in the morning. My family knew better.
Heh. I had a roommate who considered this a character flaw on my part. When I interviewed the loon I TOLD her "I'm not a morning person. I shower at night and eat breakfast at the office so there is little need to interact with me in the morning."
She kept hitting me with cheery greetings and lively discussion until I lost my shit one morning. That's when she explained "I've been trying to improve your personality". She was lucky I didn't improve her face.