Evil Boss Lady asked today if I had a second, then proceeded to apologize for her comment about knowing who said what to her coach. THEN proceeded to blame THAT on another employee "attacking" another coworker and making EBL flustered and throwing her off-script.
Honey, it's not an apology if you're laying the blame for your bad behaviour on another person. Also, the fact that you just admitted that you were speaking from a script takes away credence from what you supposedly *were* trying to say, and that your off-script out-of-line comment was therefore off-the-cuff and therefore more sincere. But I can actually let the latter pass, but the former is a sticking point.
No excuses, is what I was taught. It's not an apology if there's a "but" tacked on. Just fucking own it.
Honestly, Paul's FB friends with lots of you, so heck. You'd probably find out there
I have had four people at least on my LJ flist die. Two this year. Word gets around.
Fuck, I miss Branni and Sandy.
I turned to K-Bug earlier and told her that she was responsible for making sure y'all knew. She looked at me like I was nuts.
I came in today to a really angry email to me from my (old) boss, which was cc'ed to my new boss and the owner of the company. I believe the phrase "dropped the ball" was used. I managed to smooth things over, but then I got to end the day by firing an employee, who completely broke down and cried on and off for an hour. Plus DH is off in Canada driving land Rovers and is unreachable.
Long fucking day, I tell you what.
God, Scrappy, I can't imagine. I was the final nail in getting a coworker fired, and I wasn't the one who had to pull the trigger, and it was still awful.
For example, Meara's and my friend N would let meara know and she would let you all know. And N would tell my other online group
Does N actually do stuff online these days? I never see him anywhere the past few years. What with law school, and lawyering. I also figured F would tell us if one of us died.
I did semi-seriously worry, without a roommate, what would happen if I died (or fell down the stairs and broke my legs and couldn't move...)
Of course, now she's going to be blocking the driveway with her POD when I get home from my redeye flight, and I just know there's not going to be any parking and I'm going to be grumpy. And I hate that I'm pre-emptively grumpy about it.
I believe the phrase "dropped the ball" was used. I managed to smooth things over, but then I got to end the day by firing an employee,
Wait, did you drop the ball? Or the other employee? It sounds awful, I hope you got to have some nice dinner or a drink or rollerskate tonight.
I spent most of today trying to make broken things work, tactfully not mentioning that people shouldn't promise that I'll produce something before they check with me that it's not actually impossible, wrangle projects, getting threatened with legal action, and delivering bad news to many people.
Also: shark.
I'm dog-sitting for the next two days, and I'm wondering if the St B has a UTI, because he demands to go outside every 20 minutes. This is getting ANNOYING.
Does N actually do stuff online these days? I never see him anywhere the past few years. What with law school, and lawyering. I also figured F would tell us if one of us died.
he's very active on my other board.