I need to teach the cat to type more coherently. It seems more likely than the hub ever remembering his login here.
I never log out, so assuming I don't delete my cookies and clear my cache right before a piano falls on my head, Tim can post. He probably won't know what thread to pick, though, and will end up posting in something unexpected, like Premium Cable.
Okay, this is weird. Initially, it looks really cool, and then you see the price, and it's insane and unreasonable. And then you see the options, and it makes no sense at all.
I should say something to my mother, really -- she knows I'm online all the time, and I'm logged in everywhere on my home computer (and this one, too, but that's neither here nor there), so it would be easy to get on and post, but I don't know if she'd think of it.
I already told a work friend to call the cops if she doesn't see me for a couple of days and I don't respond to her texts, after a local news story about someone being dead in an apartment for days.
:: runs to Premium Cable just in case ::
There's the service that will take care of pets, etc., when people get raptured - think they'd be willing to do something in the event of a natural death of someone unlikely to qualify?
:: runs to Premium Cable just in case ::
I was not posting from beyond the grave just now and punking you all into thinking I am still alive*. AS FAR AS YOU KNOW.
*(Would that be a Reverse Gus?)
I was not posting from beyond the grave just now and punking you all into thinking I am still alive*. AS FAR AS YOU KNOW.
Pffft. I'm totally posting once I'm undead. Ouija boards come with wi-fi these days, right?
Yes, that would be a Reverse Gus, otherwise known as a Sug.
Just got the first estimate. It's the primary oxygen sensor, which is NOT one of the ones under recall, and to fix it will be about $600. ::sigh:: At least I have a job, but I haven't even received my second paycheck. And with the IMA battery likely to go, and the starter being finicky, I think it's time to start looking for a new (to me) car. Probably a small SUV or small pickup with an extended cab.
It's the primary oxygen sensor, which is NOT one of the ones under recall, and to fix it will be about $600.
I have a hole in my exhaust system (the front pipe, IIRC, and possibly elsewhere). Back in May the dealer told me the whole exhaust system, from tailpipe all the way through the catalytic converter, would have to be replaced, to the tune of $1800-ish.
I have since been advised by car-ish people that the dealer says the whole thing needs replaced because they are not inclined to cut out sections of pipe and weld in new ones, like an exhaust shop will.
So it could be less expensive at an exhaust shop, but I'm still braced for a huge bill. Bah. And I really need to get it in this week.
Cars! What are they good for?