Oh, this is so adorable. My niece and nephew did this little routine fighting Darth Vader at Disney, so I know how it's supposed to go. But this little girl opts to join the Dark Side, complete with bow to Darth! Hee. I wish that Windu had enough presence of mind to fight her instead, so that she'd had a chance to try out her sweet moves she'd spent all that time rehearsing anyway.
They usually do a pretty good job improving with the kiddoes, but this was probably a first for him! During my niece & nephew's time, most of the kids did a little half-hearted fight, but my boy was out for blood and whacked away at Darth, and then powerwalked away, having defeated his foe, so Darth turns to the audience and goes "Impressive." So awesome.
But yeah, this girl rocks it. Noah'd probably be right with her on this one.
Also, they rescued an elderly guy today that was stranded at his house inside the evacuation zone. His wife was taken by the tsunami, and he was unable to evacuate by himself and had no way to communicate out. The press had gone along with the military recovery effort, which was ramped up inside the evacuation zone since the radiation levels have started to subside there, but the press got bored since there were so few recoveries and wandered off. They found this guy in his house; they were the first people to speak to him since in the month since the earthquake.
I am insanely jealous of those short sleepers. I can get by on 9 hours a night, but 11 a night is ideal. Less than 9 two nights in a row and i can expect a week of pain. Frackin sucks. Those people have so much more time for living :(
Speaking of which, I should probably get to sleep. Early day again tomorrow. I'm just so achy and generally woeful I feel like it half isn't worth it. Oh well, better to be lying down, I guess.
I'm just so achy and generally woeful I feel like it half isn't worth it.
This is when I have the hardest time just *going* to bed.
Like, oh, now. Allergies and sick and ... I really need to just go to bed. If I am easily napping in the mornings after taking more twitchytwitchySudafed, I need the sleep.
There is no news on Sass. We put 800 flyers across three zip codes, had 4500 robocalls done, and hired the tracker for 24 hours and got no sightings, no scent. Both the DH and I are wrecked.
eta: Gud, I'm so sorry about your week.
Gud, I am so sorry.
Sparky, lots of good thoughts and prayers for Sass' safe return.
I need a lot of sleep. I'm also lazy, so those things are kinda hard to separate sometimes.
This is also me. Between the laziness, the depression, and needing lots of sleep... well, I guess it's not that surprising that my weekends aren't very productive.
I continue to enjoy sleeping a lot, but am less and less good at it, which is super annoying.