My brother just told me a couple of days ago that he sleeps only 3-4 hours a night, but I think it's chronic insomnia, not that he's a natural short sleeper. He said he eventually crashes and sleeps 8 hours, about once every 2 weeks.
Tim sleeps an average of 5 hours on work nights, but that's because he stays up too late watching Power Girl cosplay fanvids (true story). It catches up with him late in the week and he naps after work and also sleeps 8-10 hours a night on the weekend.
I need about 20 hours of sleep. I am a panda. (I get about 7 hours on week nights; 8 if I plan well. I sleep longer on the weekends, maybe 9 hours.)
I need a lot of sleep. I'm also lazy, so those things are kinda hard to separate sometimes.
Ahahaha! Okay, that's pretty much me.
I wake up in a flash
I used to be able to do this, until about 10 years ago. God, I miss it. Now it's like swimming upward through molasses.
Ryan recognises you!
Panda solidarity! We will gnaw bamboo and sleep!
Shit, Gud, I'm sorry.
How does that address desire?
In a comedy of manners the desire is for order, so the comedy arises from injecting lots of chaos. Hence, Hitchhiker. Dent is a cozy order seeker. He craves non-chaos. Which makes him a rather passive character but that's okay when all the action happens
Panda solidarity! We will gnaw bamboo and sleep!
On past performance, there's a very good chance he will take the opportunity to jump on your belleh.
On past performance, there's a very good chance he will take the opportunity to jump on your belleh.
My belleh is made for jumping! I have been training with a regimen of ice cream and peanut butter cookies, and 2 cats who welcome a ready made pre-heated squishy bed.
Dent is a cozy order seeker. He craves non-chaos.
Is Arthur seeking peace, or wanting it? The article is about motivation, and I'm just not remembering him having much.
I really wish I didn't wake up so sharply. I've started using my snooze button, because it's there, but I usually get bored three minutes in but I can't turn snooze off, so I just lie there irritated. But being able to go back to sleep after waking up would be a really neat concept.
Just like how I'm a sub-taster, I suspect I'm the opposite of those short sleepers. I need a lot of sleep. I'm also lazy, so those things are kinda hard to separate sometimes.
Liese, I am, once again, your twin in this. I love to sleep. I get so excited to get into bed and have since I was a child. I would happily sleep 12 hours a night. Noah and Grace are like me in the super sleeperness. Both kids sleep 12 hours still + a nap.
Sass, are you home yet?
I have graded all of the things (or had my TAs do it). Last week I had 200+ assignments in the online turning in thing I use plus 8 paper stacks. They are all in the gradebook now and my online assignment box is EMPTY. Granted a 2-3 paper on Merchant of Venice is due tomorrow, but I feel confident I can actually grade it tomorrow.
Are you one of these people? If so, fuck you kindly.
I read about those people last week. I hate those people. I am on the other end of the spectrum--I usually get 8-9 hours of sleep every night, but I really NEED 9, and on weekends sleep 10-12. It's not fun needing more sleep than the average person, and I shudder to think how it would/will be if I ever have children. Sleep is one of the main reasons I never considered being a doctor, even though I think I'd like it--I would never survive the lack of sleep.
I'm also a serious evening person, and take forever to really wake up and get going in the morning. So many things I wish I could change.
Aftershock ups Japanese crisis to Chernobyl level?
There was a strong aftershock early today, and workers briefly evacuated. They lost offsite power for about an hour, but there was no apparent additional damage. They have recently moved additional diesel generators to the site.
Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency announced today that it is increasing the INES rating to Level 7, but that is largely due to new calculations that the radioactivity released early in the accident reached the level specified for a Level 7. It's not due to worsening conditions; the radiation level has continued to decline. That amount of radioactivity was about 10 percent of the radioactivity released at Chernobyl, and far less in terms of exposure to people.
The question that will be raised is whether these are "new" calculations, or whether TEPCO knew the levels earlier. There was so much confusion at the beginning that it's really hard to know.