How was your vacation, by the way?
Vacation was great.* Lots of hiking and animals. Amazing that one can get tired of buffalo, but it happens. I have gone through all my Yellowstone pictures, so I hope to get that blog post up today and the Tetons tomorrow, but I also am seeing Renée Fleming at the opera tonight, so who knows. I wasn't counting on having work craziness today.
*Aside from having money stolen on the Jackson rafting trip, that is. But, since my sister was paying for everything, I can't really complain. The company was mortified and I think I might get it back, but we were incommunicado during the Yellowstone bit so I'm not sure what will happen.
At one point some Members of Congress were challenged to live on a food stamp budget - they'd have the amount that they'd have if they were trying to live on food stamps and let them actually see how "much" it was. There weren't many takers but those who tried it were AMAZED at how little it actually bought.
Firefly poster gets censored at Wisconsin University. Via Nathan Fillion's Twitter Feed
As much as I am an advocate for free speech, I think that the University was right to want to take some action
And yeah. I mean, what exactly was he trying to communicate with that quote, anyway? Other than "I'm a huge geek." Context is important, and I would be kind of wigged out if I saw that without knowing the source.
"I aim to misbehave" would have been better. Or, frankly, any one of dozens of Firefly quotes.
megan, you're back! Yay! I do want to hear about your trip.
But stolen money is YIKES. Did they steal it out of the boats, or was it money you left with the rafting company?
I can't wait to see the pictures, megan. And yeah, the buffalo got kind of boring for me, too. But I did see a bear in Yellowstone, with some cubs! I wanted to see a moose, though.
Yeah...the quote he used kind of reminds me of dudes who say creepy sexual things and when I object tell me to relax, get a sense of humor, free speech, blah blah blah.
I think it was in fact creepy and threatening.
Why do I have to accommodate other people's lack of social grace all day? Sheesh.
Perhaps the professor was trying to give off an "edgy" vibe - a "hey, I can be dangerous but I'll be upfront and honest about it" kind of thing.
if so, vibe fail
Yay Amy and Stephen! Such a huge relief.
And in also-a-big-relief news, M and I went in for my first prenatal appt today, and we saw Baby Sprog on the ultrasound! And s/he was wiggling all around and waving (or possibly making the Black Power salute) and we heard his/her heartbeat and, holy scheisse, we are having a baby!
BABY SPROG! Isn't that the coolest?
Stephen just got offered a good job!!!
That is so fucking great!
And in also-a-big-relief news, M and I went in for my first prenatal appt today, and we saw Baby Sprog on the ultrasound! And s/he was wiggling all around and waving (or possibly making the Black Power salute) and we heard his/her heartbeat and, holy scheisse, we are having a baby!
You sure are! Sprog! I name this movie: "Kate P. - The Sproggening"