Stephen just got offered a good job!!!
That is so fucking great!
And in also-a-big-relief news, M and I went in for my first prenatal appt today, and we saw Baby Sprog on the ultrasound! And s/he was wiggling all around and waving (or possibly making the Black Power salute) and we heard his/her heartbeat and, holy scheisse, we are having a baby!
You sure are! Sprog! I name this movie: "Kate P. - The Sproggening"
Yay for sprog!! And for Stephen's new job!! Now this is the way Monday's should start the week. ::crosses fingers and does the anti-jinx eye poke thing::
And yeah. I mean, what exactly was he trying to communicate with that quote, anyway? Other than "I'm a huge geek."
I'm wondering if he meant it as some kind of social commentary on the fact our concealed carry law goes into effect on Nov. 1st. In fact, signs are popping up on UW doors like mushrooms that say that guns are not allowed in campus buildings or on campus property.
For the record, I would have asked that the quote be taken down as well. Mostly because it's hardly the best Mal quote but certainly also because with or without context, it's disconcerting.
The Sproggening! I like it.
Isn't that the coolest?
It really was. I mean, I went in kind of expecting to be amazed, but also not thinking we'd get to see much beyond a little blob just yet. But it turns out the baby is a little bigger than we thought (I'm technically at 10 weeks 3 days, but the ultrasound tech said Baby Sprog was measuring right at 11 weeks, which I guess is our official timestamp now), and it was kicking and waving and squirming all around, and we could see its tiny little heart beating and everything. So cool!
Just got (kinda) demoted in a not-fun surprise. The Finance Manager and I both reported to the COO. Now HR is going to be part of Finance and I will report to the Finance Manager. No change in pay or title, but my boss is now someone who got hired the month I did and who has been a peer for the last five years. I came right out and asked the COO when he told me about this "Is this a demotion?" and he said no, just a restructuring, but it's still a bit odd. Luckily, I really like the guy I will report to and he was quick to tell me that he thinks of us as consolidating and that we are still peers. We'll see.
Blech, Scrappy. I'm sorry. That is not cool.
That article has links to the email exchange. I think the Police Chief should have discussed the issue with the Prof and Dept Chair and that the Prof should be less of an ass. [link]
Aw, Scrappy, that is uncomfortable. I'm sorry.
It really was. I mean, I went in kind of expecting to be amazed, but also not thinking we'd get to see much beyond a little blob just yet.
I love the horses' hooves sound of the heartbeat, just galloping away.
Scrappy, that is an unpleasant way to start your work week. I hope the new structure isn't awful.
Yeah, Prof's immediate response is sheer asshattery.
Ugh, Scrappy, especially if you were blindsided, that's not fun at all. I hope the new structure ends up being workable for you.