Some of the arguments are total redherrings. Anecdotally, many of the kids who are being redshirted are NOT the lower income kids, but instead are kids who are already in preschool of some sort.
Moreover, acceleration is a powerful force because that intervention is an overt action of belief of a kid's competency plus it usually comes with the advice that a kid will have to work harder wherever they are.
If N&G were on the cusp, I'd keep them out of Kinder an additional year and instead keep them in a PreK. By the end of kinder, the expectations, at least in California, is that a kid can write a full sentence on their own, which is a difficult achievement. By the end of !st, they should write a paragraph of at least 3 sentences that are interconnected.
Also something to consider. Even if the kid is academically ready are they emotionally mature enough? Coping with other kids when you are the youngest kid the room can be hell. I speak from personal first hand experience but as ita shows it does not apply to everyone. So just like with academic achievement depends on kid, but you do need to think about whether your kid, as youngest in the room, but not so young they are not seen as fair game, will be a bully magnet.
Perkins, I don't know what this will end up looking like, but thanks for being willing to organize the TJs givers/receivers.
I don't either, but I will come up with something!
Mostly right now I am thinking of sneak TJ packages--you won't know when or what, but if you want something, you will get it!
I just got a bad review on Amazon and am taking it personally.
I just got a bad review on Amazon and am taking it personally.
STOP THAT. Thing One: your book is awesome. Thing Two: NEVER READ THE REVIEWS OF YOUR WORK ON AMAZON. That's like looking at the Amazon sales ranking. Express ticket to depressed crazytown.
Every book in the world gets a bad review from someone. Taking it personally is a good way to make yourself insane. STEP AWAY.
I just got a bad review on Amazon and am taking it personally.
Heh, I got a bad review in the press that called my Tom Waits book the absolute worst in the entire 33 1/3 series.
My publisher wanted to put that review on the back of the second edition.
C'mon. You guys don't read your reviews?
I know. I get butthurt. It's a character flaw.
C'mon. You guys don't read your reviews?
Nope. Pete reads them, and tells me if there's an interesting thing I should see, but I don't read them. I can be a ridiculously oversensitive snowflake, and I know it.
I read reviews. I pay more attention when they're adults with some grasp of their field. When it's random 13-year-olds or asshole fucktards who like to take out their aggression on the internets, no. Also, my books are not *me*.