Happy birthday, Emmett!
I only have my ears pierced, one hole per ear. My sister and I were both talking about maybe getting a tattoo--I'll have to think about that. If I do, it'll be after I have my plastic surgery, so not for several years yet.
I was talking to one of the layoffees, my cubicle neighbor and manager of another group in the library. She knew a lot about me and my attitude towards potential layoffs, and knew that I was in a "take it or leave it" mindset. I would have been all right with being laid off, that way I could go back to school full time and get my MLS in two semesters instead of two more years. However, with my new car and my England trip plans for next summer, I'm rather glad I didn't get laid off just yet! So, she was telling me that the managers had all been told a few weeks ago that layoffs were coming up, and to let TPTB know who should be kept on. Apparently, my boss told the higher ups to keep me over my two coworkers, which flabbergasts me!
I think that the majority of it might be that my two coworkers were at a higher rank than me, and my new job will be more at the level I'm doing now, which is a bit lower than theirs were. It's not much, but it's still employment, and at the same pay. So, being low woman on the totem pole worked this time.