if they use yours every week, maybe you won't need every time?
When they went in to use it the second time, it came up dry until they flushed it with saline. I don't think they heparined it after the first time. So I'm worried, but I'm also worried about what a not-clotter is doing flowing around my system, what with my wonky platelets and shit already.
I don't think enough people complain in detail to their oncologists.
I agree. And my experience was that my team was more than happy to give me whatever the hell I needed to prevent pain and nausea. My only really severe issue was the leg pain, which freaked me out, because I swear it wasn't listed as a possible side effect of the chemo, but then the nurse said it sure could be, so... yeah, here, have some percocet... enjoy.
I would definitely ask about that.
I took a small dose of coumadin for as long as I had the port. I had infusions every three weeks, like Perkins, and they flushed it with saline each time. I had to have it flushed with saline every six weeks after I finished chemo.
Emmys In Memoriam Segment Ignores Jeff Conaway. What's sad is that it didn't occur to me while watching. Sorry, Kenickie.
I just lost a big post because b.org spontaneously logged me out. Annoying. Maybe just as well, though.
Grr. I don't want to worry about stupid stuff with the portacath. I really don't. But when she mentioned a new drug she wanted me flushed with weekly...I dunno.
I stayed late for no real reason other than my doctor's office was messing up with the prescription again, and my boss called me at 4:50 for a piece of information. So I was able to show him I was here at all hours (everyone my level or below clears out by 4:30) and dredge up ancient history for him besides.
Go me.
Why am I still here, though? Time to close documents and go home.
Close documents, ita !. Go home.
Sometimes I continue working past any reasonable quitting time out of sheer inertia. Like, my butt is in the chair and the work is still here, so I just... keep going. And then it's 9pm and I'm really hungry. Like now.