I don't think enough people complain in detail to their oncologists.
I agree. And my experience was that my team was more than happy to give me whatever the hell I needed to prevent pain and nausea. My only really severe issue was the leg pain, which freaked me out, because I swear it wasn't listed as a possible side effect of the chemo, but then the nurse said it sure could be, so... yeah, here, have some percocet... enjoy.
I would definitely ask about that.
I took a small dose of coumadin for as long as I had the port. I had infusions every three weeks, like Perkins, and they flushed it with saline each time. I had to have it flushed with saline every six weeks after I finished chemo.
Emmys In Memoriam Segment Ignores Jeff Conaway. What's sad is that it didn't occur to me while watching. Sorry, Kenickie.
I just lost a big post because b.org spontaneously logged me out. Annoying. Maybe just as well, though.
Grr. I don't want to worry about stupid stuff with the portacath. I really don't. But when she mentioned a new drug she wanted me flushed with weekly...I dunno.
I stayed late for no real reason other than my doctor's office was messing up with the prescription again, and my boss called me at 4:50 for a piece of information. So I was able to show him I was here at all hours (everyone my level or below clears out by 4:30) and dredge up ancient history for him besides.
Go me.
Why am I still here, though? Time to close documents and go home.
Close documents, ita !. Go home.
Sometimes I continue working past any reasonable quitting time out of sheer inertia. Like, my butt is in the chair and the work is still here, so I just... keep going. And then it's 9pm and I'm really hungry. Like now.
I've been converting some expenses from Swiss Francs into USD, and now I kind of want a hot dog.