PETA is vile. Anyone who has to engage in exploitative misogynistic bullshit in an attempt to get their message out is someone whose message I have zero interest in. At this point I would eat a cow just to piss them off.
t edit
I mean, I already love tasty tasty cow, but you know what I mean.
Also, I asked about PITA, not PETA.
Love pita. Great with hummus.
Awesome, Amy! Is that okay to tweet?
Yes, please! Although you could tweet the actual page -- [link] .
It's on Romantic Times Book Reviews there, with details on how to win a copy.
I was watching the most recent Real Time with Bill Maher, and I vaguely recall someone saying that, of the people polled who support rich people not having to pay more in taxes, about 50% think that they're going to strike it rich within, like, 10 years.
It appears that a lot of people in this country are not living in a fact-based reality.
Oh, dear, to shrift's post. And Debet's.
Yay, Amy! That's a cool trailer!!
I want to like Debet's post.
Karate today reminded me that I'm still sore from Friday and that you use your big toe way more than you realize.
In totally different news, I'm completely annoyed with my girl child. And it is mostly because of my own expectations than anything she has done. But I haven't been able to let go of it. She comes back from NM tomorrow.