I want to like Debet's post.
Karate today reminded me that I'm still sore from Friday and that you use your big toe way more than you realize.
In totally different news, I'm completely annoyed with my girl child. And it is mostly because of my own expectations than anything she has done. But I haven't been able to let go of it. She comes back from NM tomorrow.
Will do, Amy. I like being able to play the, "look at the awesome people I know" game.
Turns out I might know Colin's roommate from krav. That's kind of weird. Now I'm not sure I want to meet him.
I have finally cleared up the documents from my desktop because I downloaded 30 or so Batman wallpapers and Windows 7 lets me cycle through them. And they're set to change every 3 minutes. It is lovely.
Paging Perkins and Ginger.
Did either of you get red blood cell Procrit injections as part of your chemo? And would you be willing to talk to me about it a little bit? A friend of my sister's is having them, and they are causing her so much pain in her bones, that she's considering stopping treatment... I've asked for clarification on whether she means stopping chemo, or just stopping the injections, if that's an option.
ETA: She means stopping chemo altogether.
EATA: I think she means Procrit; my sister is asking me, not the friend, so I think that got lost in translation. I took Procrit, too. I did have leg bone pain, but I thought it was after chemo directly, not after the Procrit shot. And the Percocet took care of it for me, mostly. Am wondering if the different chemo drugs interact differently.
I wanted to do something similar with my beastie boys pics, ita. But can that be considered cheesecake? I worry about these things.
I mean, in every pic they are wearing 84 layers of clothing.
I decided to swap a peaceful Jamaican beach for a PTSD violent Pied Piper nutjob. Beastie Boys? What are they in comparison?
What are they in comparison?
They make me wibble?
I think she means Procrit, Perkins, and that's actually something I got, too. It's my sister translating, and I think she got confused. Thanks.
Ah. Nothing I got did much to my joints, though the neulasta does for some people, I think.