Horrible flight, 3 1/2 hours late. I suppose I was due...
And yet, I bet it was still a better day than last Saturday~!Of course last Saturday did end on a nice note, checking out that cool new Vietnamese place Miss Walker found. But still, most of that day sucked.
I am HOME! And my Wigglebutts are BACK! Still a lot of repairs to do, so I'll be camping out on my couch and living out of luggage but STILL. My backyard! My kitchen! My dogs!
Just made super cheesy risotto with broccoli. It was good.
But not as good as Perkins' bday dinner last night!
Give the dogs a scritch for me, javachik.
I know there are certain compromises one makes when one chooses to live in the city, but SERIOUSLY TURN IT THE FUCK DOWN.
I live out in the country, and I'm still listening to my neighbor's band practice.
I kind of feel like making homemade Fig Newtons with fresh figs is a waste of figs. Goat cheese + squished out fig + baguette = heaven.
Really? Because I'm not really much of a fig eater. But Noah will eat them as fig newtons. This is what happens when things show up in the CSA box. I've also made a ton of baba ganoush with eggplant. I'm stretching culinarily!
Also made: an ale, cheddar, cauliflower and green chile soup that is heaven. I have embraced the cornstarch trick and it helps the cheese melt.
And I am ordering in mediocre sushi and being appalled at the unrelated deadlines I need to meet Monday.
Amyth, totally had the fruit fly thing a couple years ago. Gross, huh?
Happy birthday, Perkins.
I want to bake something tomorrow. I have chocolate chips and the bare basics. Should I just make chocolate chip cookies, or go to the store and make something more exciting? I am also considering chocolate-peanut butter something. Consideration: I have only one egg in the house. But would be happy to make half a recipe that calls for two.
I've made these salted chocolate peanut butter cookies once and they were good. Plus you only need ONE egg!