I got to swim 2 miles today! So I went further! And did 2.25! I might possibly be nuts! It's probably the first time in ...um, well, a long time. ...that I've swum laps outdoors. At 7:30 in the am. In the mist. Actually, the Y here is nice and when I asked if I could bring the boys in, the staff was really laid back and "Sure, not a problem!" So that will be an activity one day this weekend. Zoo, definitely, maybe with afternoon swim? I don't expect I'll be getting any more swimming before monday.
Got D off to school this am without a hitch. Tyler apparently kept asking for me at the preschool this am. Picked him up and came back to pick up some snacks, then we spent a couple hours at a really nice playground. It's kinda thick out there right now.
Oh, and the boys totally schooled me on Angry Birds. I didn't know the damned things could fragment and power boost and all that. Um.
Kinda expecting it to storm in a bit. Might enlist the boys making cookies in a bit. Probably back to playing with cars soon.