Of course, the day I forget my knitting there is a reporter from the school newspaper there. . . well a photographer. So, I borrowed a friend's knitting project so that she (the photographer) could take a picture of two people who appear to be knitting.
I'm not sure what the interest is - but a couple of week's ago somebody from a tv journalism class did a little video of the knitting group.
Today is Opening Day for the Giants, so the firm is giving us a Texas BBQ lunch today.
I don't really get it, but I brought my Lone Star Beer t-shirt to change into, and am hoping there will be a BBQ sauce fountain again.
Speaking of knitting - Katherine Heigl is producing and starring in an HBO movie adaptation of Ann Hood'sThe Knitting Circle.
I seem to recall that Heigl is a knitter.
Thanks for the submission, Amy! I deleted it to reblog directly from the other tumblr, fyi.
OMG, my left shift key isn't working. Yikes!
I can never figure out how to do that, Jesse. Sorry!
We do have a glass-top stove. I hate it. Gas is the only way to cook (right).
Gas is the only way to cook (right).
For stove top, maybe. Gas ovens suck big time, uneven heating, can't predict how long anything will take to cook.
I don't really get it, but I brought my Lone Star Beer t-shirt to change into, and am hoping there will be a BBQ sauce fountain again.
Because they beat the Rangers in the WS last year maybe?
A friend of mine moved from the US to Berlin a few years ago. (His mother is German so he'd spent time there over the years.) I'm sure he could answer some questions his experiences & cost of living stuff. If you'd like I can send him an email and put you in touch with him; let me know.
Everyone in my family got glass-topped stoves in the last few years, I don't know why. But they all gave me the pots and pans they couldn't use anymore, so, nice for me.
I would love to convert my electric stove to gas, but I assume that's immensely expensive. And I kind of love my wacky cast-iron repro to look like a wood stove monstrosity, even if it is all electric.
Cooking by magnetic induction is pretty nifty. Useless for lighting cigarettes, though.
I remember some sort of contingency for if you can't sell being a big deal for Cash and maybe some others around here when they had a job move.
For the love of all that's holy, in this housing market--get a deal where they buy your house if you can't sell it. OR they pay part of your mortgage until you do. Our deal was that it had to be on the market for three months before they would buy it. It ended up taking six months and we paid two mortgages for three months but they eventually reimbursed us for that expense.
Not all companies CAN do this but if they can't or won't, try for a hiring bonus which would help defray the cost of paying for another house until it sells.