I took it. It wasn't an accurate depiction of me at all.
The result seemed like an asspull but taking the test was cool. I was deciding a lot of things based on physics and others based on inflammation and infections. I really spend too much time with documentaries... Now I want to rewatch the one on cuttlefish.
I've only had 11 cars? That seems low. Even given my propensity to fall in love and keep them for a very long time.
What else to do??
I was going to write a thing explaining why I want to kill people, but nah.
Suffice it to say, if you can't look in a ticket to verify your URL is correct and links where you want it to, I can't help you. We do what's in the ticket.
DJ, you don't have to explain. We're ready to provide alibis if necessary.
The cold on the forehead is working! But only as long as I have it on there, I think. Ah well.
My org will keep going if the government shuts down, but I'm not entirely sure about my job.
D. won't know till Sunday if he's off because of the shut-down. He doesn't work for the government directly, but he's a contractor for the government, so if it goes, they go.
God, I hope it doesn't happen, or if it does, it gets resolve tout de suite.
Query: if it does shut down, do politicians stop getting paid?
Apparently everyone stops getting paid, Erin. No checks will be cut, because the government loses the ability to spend money.
People who do work will get paid for their work after the shutdown is over. I'm not sure what happens to people who don't work: apparently in previous shutdowns, salaried staff did get paid.
Default situation is, furloughed government employees don't get paid for shutdown time. Last time there was a shutdown, Congress voted (after the shutdown ended) to pay all furloughed employees. (I understand the cost was about $400 million, but logic tells me that has to be low for three weeks.) Your guess is as good as mine for what Congress will do this time.
I understand that politicians get paid. But furloughed staff of politicians don't. Again, unless Congress votes otherwise.
Happy Birthday Amy!
Of course politicians get paid during a shut-down. That makes...sense. To them. Because most politicians are hovering on the brink of penury.
I think DH can take vaca since he's a contractor, but that borks all vaca plans for the year. Bah, spit.