finding her on the floor because she fell down
It's terrifying. It happened a couple times when my mom was really ill when I was just out of high school. Once I came home and had Stephen with me, and I don't know how I would have gotten her back in bed without him.
Ugh, that is scary and hard, Kathy.
I called someone in another department this morning in kind of an ass-covering move, saying, "You probably know about this already, but....." He just me back and when I picked up the phone, he said, "WHAAAAAT?!?!?!?" Hee.
Oh Kathy, that is terrifying.
My mom just had her cataracts done. (Stop me if you heard this.) She's stubborn as a anything and was totally ignoring my sister. My 14 year old nephew came and stayed with her for four days and bossed her around, because he is the only one she would listen to. She even now refuses to admit that she sees any better, but she did say she's noticing more dirt.
Luckily, Mom was able to get back up with my help, and onto her scooter. What caused her to slip and fall down was the damn shower rug, which is now rolled up in the corner of the bathroom. We're going to try and do a thorough scrubdown without getting into the shower tonight, and then maybe use her cast cover in the shower later in the week.
Millie is the bestest. Animals are great at providing comfort like that.
Only problem is when I'm trying to get her to go outside and she doesn't want to leave Mom behind! I had to put her harness on and practically drag her to the backdoor to put her on the leash. It's damn hard to drag a stubborn 50-pound bulldog the length of two rooms!!
she did say she's noticing more dirt
Hah--that totally sounds like something my mom would say after eye surgery!!
Both DH and the sons were out one afternoon when Dad fell. There was no way Mom and I could get him up ourselves. She wanted to call the neighbors, but the one man young and strong enough to help was himself in bed with an illness. It was complicated by the fact that Dad was nude from the waist down.
Luckiy one of the sons' friends came by looking for him. I explained the situation, and he volunteered in a flash, made a gentle joke that eased the situation for all concerned, and got Dad squared away with little fuss.
But we'd have had to call the EMTs if he hadn't shown up right then.
My mom had to call the fire department when my dad had been injured (knee and arm when he fell down some stairs) and then fell down at home and couldn't get up.
Oh yeah, my grandmother called the fire department a bunch of times, when my grandfather was slipping out of the sling thing that got him between his bed and his chair. Just make sure they don't break your door down, and they are very helpful!
Wow. The Guinness world record holder for plastic surgeries looks remarkably normal, compared to a lot of the cases we get shown in Hollywood.
Yeah, her face looks quite normal, all things considered....