It must be said that Buffy sustained a greater peak for a longer time. BtVS Seasons 2-4 are solid gold.
ION, I found this newspaper item from 1911 criticizing intercollegiate baseball:
Dr. Jordan witnessed one of the games of baseball between Stanford and the University of California recently, and became highly indignant at what he termed “systematic muckerism” as manifested by the cancous joshing of pitchers and other players
"Systematic muckerism"? I don't even know about "cancous joshing." "Canerous" maybe? "Rancorous"?
BtVS Seasons 2-4 are solid gold
I don't know about that - S4 has some standouts in it, but as an arc it was pretty uneven.
Oh, yeah? Well, Dr. Jordan throws like my grandma.
Mucker is to fuck up, so I assume systematic muckerism is fucking around as a matter of course.
Don't know about cous cous or whatever that word is.
I don't know about that - S4 has some standouts in it, but as an arc it was pretty uneven.
The arc made no sense. However, I think of it as a season with paired episodes like two episodes covering Oz leaving, and the Fuffy/Baith two-parter. Plus some of the funniest episodes were that season and you also had the Gentleman. Way better than solid.
I am probably the reason tech support has to feel people's pain, now.
Although I still get huffy, "everyone knows that," dudes. WTF?
I'm finding out that it's hard taking care of a post-op parent. She's great about trying to do as much as she can by herself (can get herself to the bathroom, do what she needs to, and back in bed, which is great), but making sure she tells me she needs something is the tricky thing. That, and not freaking out when she calls for me while she's in the bathroom, and finding her on the floor because she fell down. That got me scared.
She almost wishes that they did this procedure with at least a one-night checkin at the hospital, but there are drawbacks to that, as well. We're just hoping that after the first 48 hours, things will get better for her. She's still taking an occasional Percoset for the pain.
Millie, her dog, is curled up next to her bed, obviously worried about her, which is sweet!
finding her on the floor because she fell down
That is the scariest thing ever. I ended up having to call paramedics to help me get her back in bed.
Millie is the bestest. Animals are great at providing comfort like that.
finding her on the floor because she fell down
It's terrifying. It happened a couple times when my mom was really ill when I was just out of high school. Once I came home and had Stephen with me, and I don't know how I would have gotten her back in bed without him.
Ugh, that is scary and hard, Kathy.
I called someone in another department this morning in kind of an ass-covering move, saying, "You probably know about this already, but....." He just me back and when I picked up the phone, he said, "WHAAAAAT?!?!?!?" Hee.