I do not have problems with the grocery store, unless I'm trying to find something and can't!
My BFF started snarking at me one time when I was visiting after I moved away, and we were shopping. She was all "You shop like my girlfriend! It's inefficient!" Apparently I tend to just wander around and pick up what looks good or things I know I use or am out of, and maybe if I see something it'll spark "oh, that would go well with...". Whereas she has a LIST, of things she NEEDS, and is planning to USE in a MEAL. This may explain part of why I eat snackfood (fruit! cheese and crackers! yogurt!), and not actual meals unless they are frozen.
[ETA: QADI and QOPH are new to me! Take QAT if you want]
Here, have some more from my pocket: QI, QADI, QOPH. CINQ.
And qat, too! Now I ... have to look these up. Although I assume cinq is the French five, yes?
Owner reunited with dog found on a floating rooftop a mile from shore: [link]
Whereas she has a LIST, of things she NEEDS, and is planning to USE in a MEAL.
I also make my list out by the order of aisles in the store, and then make a note next to something if we have a coupon for it.
No, really.
I'm only a tiny bit ashamed.
When I was living in Philly, I would get just a little bit hyper when visiting Australia and going to a supermarket. I'd be bouncing around the aisles thinking "My friends! I haven't seen you in
Ooh, Tim Tams come in Kahlua flavour now!"
I also make my list out by the order of aisles in the store, and then make a note next to something if we have a coupon for it.
I am in complete awe of this.
I also get completely overwhelmed by too many choices. It's why I don't shop in large stores if I can avoid it - I can lose hours and still leave with nothing, or something I'm vaguely dissatisfied with.
I also make my list out by the order of aisles in the store, and then make a note next to something if we have a coupon for it.
I do this (my phone does it for me) and only get the things on the list and still a trip to the grocery store takes me two hours no matter how short the list is. ISTG I can go in for three things, go right to them and not look at anything else, and somehow when I get home it's two hours after I left.
I also make my list out by the order of aisles in the store, and then make a note next to something if we have a coupon for it.
I am in complete awe of this.
I am an efficient BADASS in the store. I would run people down with the cart if Tim would let me.
But if I were all efficient like that I wouldn't find new favorite things! Like the other day I went to Whole Foods just for kicks, and ended up with this stuff "Indianlife Dal Mix" and it is ADDICTIVELY GOOD (and gluten-free!) Just because I was wandering down the snack aisle and deciding the dried kale was way too expensive.
Although I assume cinq is the French five, yes?
Yes. But you can't bet on the other numbers working--CINQ gets through on a card game pass.
If my phone knew the aisles in my stores, that could help. I do try and use a list, but I shop at three different stores, so mapping by aisles is really not going to work.
But I don't buy much at all--I only shop a little in advance for everything but the easy stuff, the cereals and juices.