More than two weeks vacation time would help.
From ABC:
Another hypothesis -- one that is becoming increasingly accepted -- is that certain non-edible varieties of pine nuts are being passed off in the marketplace as the edible variety, Munk says. Some researchers have implicated China in exporting these non-edible pine nuts.
Gee, the country that gave us poison dog food and leaded toothpaste is selling inedible pine nuts as edible? Whodathunk? Let's only import ingestibles from countries with a functioning FDA equivalent, kthkxby!
I just mean that makes traveling easier.
On the flip side, the lack of desperation for jobs means there's less of a need to travel. Look at all the countries with less job security than the US.
Jamaicans get out plenty. And we can't hop a bus/train to get there. Many of us travel because we feel we have to.
I just got a fancy big new computer monitor, and I barely know what to do with myself! It's bananas. And might actually help my neck/shoulder issues!
I don't know if I'll ever figure out how to effectively use two screens, though....
I don't know if I'll ever figure out how to effectively use two screens, though....
Email goes up on the left, other applications on the right. Works like a charm.
Jamaicans get out plenty. And we can't hop a bus/train to get there. Many of us travel because we feel we have to.
I can see that. Interesting perspective.
Email goes up on the left, other applications on the right. Works like a charm.
That is what I was thinking!
re: two monitors
One screen has the main work application and the call queue monitoring program, the other screen has the various resources and utilities that I may or may not need.
(and this page)
Email goes up on the left, other applications on the right. Works like a charm.
But when you have four monitors, email goes on the top-right one.
Four monitors. Please. I can't even make my wireless router work.