Thank you Slackery Santa for Christmas in April!
I uh, grabbed my packages from the front door this evening although they were delivered yesterday. Don't ask me why - all I can say is that inertia is tough to beat.
I've been munching on peppermint bark and drinking tea. (Although, not the exciting new tea from my prezzie because I'd already made the tea.) Love the cookbook and the bath bar and the flower pendant. Thank you so much!
In baseball news: The Royals are in first place!
Just needed to see that again. Carry on.
Thank you Slackery Santa for Christmas in April!
I'm glad you liked it!
all I can say is that inertia is tough to beat.
um, yeah. I feel ya.
Enjoy. And yes, some of the stuff is random, I was thinking "cooking stuff! yeah!"
Just needed to see that again. Carry on.
The Orioles too! It's crazy topsy turvy land.
The Royals probably can't sustain it this year, but they've got the most loaded farm system in baseball. So it could be the beginning of something for them.
Orioles also have a nice core of young talent that could help them move up.
Baconbaconbacon! Gimme what's in the bag, I can't reeeeeead
I love that. And, sadly, often think of it. So, you know, effective advertising there.
Kat, I hope your dad is okay.
It's the cookbook from the French Cooking at Home hostess: Laura Calder. I enjoy the show - I think she is a tad eccentric but then so am I. Also, the theme music and incidental music is highly addicting. Earwormy, even.
Dad ~ma to Kat and belatedly to Sue.
Where is a good place (online) to buy work appropriate nice t-shirts/long sleeve t-shirts for summer? I am in a weird size where plus size t-shirts fit to baggy, but sometimes XL regular is too small (or then again, too big). I would say lands end or LL bean, but their t-shirts were getting a lot of complaints. And J.Jill had bad colors (everything was blue)
"Suits suck,"(/Billy Walsh)
And I still say that without being a real fan of Mad Men. I mean, I admire how well-crafted it is, but without the self-righteous satisfaction of noting how "It's better now," , a privilege I feel soon to be denied in Brewerstan, it kind of makes me feel worse about life. I just like it when the writer wins.
Tim Goodman is also forgetting how little respect David Simon's work used to get. The Wire used to be on the bubble chronically and get outrated by Desperate*fucking* Housewives, not that I'm bitter or anything. It used to be said around HBO that only 250 people watched the Wire, but we were the most devoted 250 people in America.
I think being The New Thing on during the writer's strike as well as the related "the reporters support me in e-mail," kerfuffles are what truly changed Blown Deadline's fortunes, not that Simon was intrinsically more appreciated.