Taking a 12-hour sudafed for across-the-whole front of head sinuse pressure -- it works, but MAN it screws with your sleep. Hence the being awake at almost 4:00 a.m. Bah.
Oh, hello. I've been taking the super-sudafed twice a day for three days, trying to keep the evil sinus/ear pain away. It's almost worked.
After a certain point in the evening, I try to not take it unless I absolutely must, because I know it'll screw up my sleep, even with Ambien.
Zenkitty, I meant to ask you -- about your ear pressure, did your doctor recommend using Afrin or any other nasal spray? If there's no reason you *can't* use it, try using it for the 3 days prior to flying, or 2 days prior and the day of flying (because you really aren't supposed to use it for more than 3 days), and that might help a LOT.
For anyone traumatized by that Friday song: BFF Colbert & Fallon's version
Wow, that's just a really bad song.
Zenkitty, I meant to ask you -- about your ear pressure, did your doctor recommend using Afrin or any other nasal spray? If there's no reason you *can't* use it, try using it for the 3 days prior to flying, or 2 days prior and the day of flying (because you really aren't supposed to use it for more than 3 days), and that might help a LOT.
The doctor did in fact recommend Afrin, and I've used it. It does help, once I stop using it, the problem comes back. The doctor said my ear looked fine, and the sulfa drugs didn't clear it up, and I can't take antibiotics, so I don't see much point to going to see an ENT. Though I probably will if I can get an appointment. The sad truth is, I'm halfway hoping it's bad enough that I *can't* fly - because I really don't want to.
I took CJ out for his first driving lesson. He turns 15 over the summer and has been jonesing to try it out. We hit a big empty parking lot. He spazzed any time he got close to 16 miles per hour. Spazzed in a responsible way, but still - it was cute. He did a great job.
No karate for me today even though I have more nervous energy than I know what to do with. My house will be CLEAN by the end of the weekend.
mr. flea left about 3 hours ago to sign Casper up for summer camp at a location maybe 15 minutes away. He's not back yet. Who'll place money on my 3 possibilities - incredibly long line (THREE HOURS?), fatal car accident, or wandered off somewhere? (He neglected to take the cell phone.)
I seem to remember discussion here before--spaz is divorced from cerebral palsy in the US? It was horrifically offensive where I went to high school.
I think "spaz" disconnected in enough people's minds from an actual physical condition that it probably isn't
offensively in most situations, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be avoided.
In a way, it's equally as offensive as "'sode" which also isn't all that funny when you stop to think about it.
I only found out the "spaz" thing recently.
This Gray's Anatomy is Bananas! Like, insane!