I took CJ out for his first driving lesson. He turns 15 over the summer and has been jonesing to try it out. We hit a big empty parking lot. He spazzed any time he got close to 16 miles per hour. Spazzed in a responsible way, but still - it was cute. He did a great job.
No karate for me today even though I have more nervous energy than I know what to do with. My house will be CLEAN by the end of the weekend.
mr. flea left about 3 hours ago to sign Casper up for summer camp at a location maybe 15 minutes away. He's not back yet. Who'll place money on my 3 possibilities - incredibly long line (THREE HOURS?), fatal car accident, or wandered off somewhere? (He neglected to take the cell phone.)
I seem to remember discussion here before--spaz is divorced from cerebral palsy in the US? It was horrifically offensive where I went to high school.
I think "spaz" disconnected in enough people's minds from an actual physical condition that it probably isn't
offensively in most situations, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be avoided.
In a way, it's equally as offensive as "'sode" which also isn't all that funny when you stop to think about it.
I only found out the "spaz" thing recently.
This Gray's Anatomy is Bananas! Like, insane!
I need to get that out of my vocabulary, at least in the way I used it above. I didn't mean it offensively.
It was a THREE HOUR LINE. And we are in theory doing this again for a different camp next weekend. What the fuck.
I can't stop laughing at this Grey's Anatomy!
In London, when we said spastic, we meant CP. So there was no divorce there. When you said someone was acting spazzy, you meant they were acting like they had cerebral palsy, no distance at all. It's a hard jump to make.