I was pleasantly surprised at how many third party candidates had actually made it onto the ballot. I didn't have any write-ins at all this year, which is unusual for me.
I guess one of our local counties there were more registered independents this year than registered Democrats or Republicans.
Oh, I forgot to mention, though I had to suppress my inner Buffista, because one of the candidate information packets had a guy protesting "bold-faced lies" and I nearly didn't vote for him because it was such a stupid mistake. Hee. Bold faced lies. Like what,
I'm the Queen of England?
But it probably wasn't even his mistake, so I guess that's not the best reason not to vote for someone.
I did vote for someone nearly frivolously because he included in his candidate statement, "I aim to misbehave." I suppose later it'll come out that he's defrauded the American public and told us he was going to, when I thought he was just making a pop culture reference. So if that happens, that'll be my fault.
There's not a lot to vote for today here. I mean, the mayoral candidate is running unopposed by a major party. One thing I am interested in is that the govt is considering making Attorney General an elected office, which I'm against. When that happens, you get a good politician in office. That good politician may or may not be a good prosecutor.
I voted straight down the line Working Families Party.
We don't have one of those here. Hell, half the races I could only choose Republican or Libertarian.
Yeah fusion ballots system is well an improvement over the usual. I'd prefer Propostional Rep for legislative seats and instant run-off for single office elections, but I'd take fusion.
Hey, flickr just greeted me in Navajo! Not quite the right accent marks, but still!
OH! And I almost forgot. In non-election news, here's the lastest version of the Lush form letter, italics mine.
Thank you for providing us with your feedback. We really appreciate it when a customer takes the time to write in to us about their experiences with our products, shops, and customer service, as it helps let us know what we are doing well, and also where we can stand to improve.
In terms of the naming of our products, this is solely done by our team of product inventors at LUSH UK, and I’d be happy to pass along your concerns to their team for review. Also, this particular product also has been slated for discontinuation, once stock is depleted.
We appreciate your feedback, and if you have any further questions or concerns, we’d be glad to help.
Not good enough, but as the product's been out for a couple of years, at least that's something? They'll stop using a racist product name as soon as they stop making money from it?
Hah. The NY office just sent us Giants cupcakes to celebrate the win.
I just learned that my slightly nutso conservative college friend is predicted to blow away the incumbant for his SC district. It's a bit disturbing to think of someone I know from college being in Congress, let alone someone I disagree with on most issues.
Either Republican or Libertarian
Yep. That was a bit of a shock to me. I might have gasped out loud. Stranger in a strange land, I am.
Ion still raining, I am wet and cold. Would very much like soup and a blanket. Instead am at therapy with mac.
I was going to vote on my lunch break (an advantage to having a five-mile commute to work), but was too lazy and am going to vote on my way home. It's at the Lutheran church near my apartment, and I'm hoping it's not too crowded tonight.