Hah. The NY office just sent us Giants cupcakes to celebrate the win.
I just learned that my slightly nutso conservative college friend is predicted to blow away the incumbant for his SC district. It's a bit disturbing to think of someone I know from college being in Congress, let alone someone I disagree with on most issues.
Either Republican or Libertarian
Yep. That was a bit of a shock to me. I might have gasped out loud. Stranger in a strange land, I am.
Ion still raining, I am wet and cold. Would very much like soup and a blanket. Instead am at therapy with mac.
I was going to vote on my lunch break (an advantage to having a five-mile commute to work), but was too lazy and am going to vote on my way home. It's at the Lutheran church near my apartment, and I'm hoping it's not too crowded tonight.
I feel your pain...I'm actually quite pleased that our Dems have been fielding people lately.
Still got the stranger thing, though.
This is kind of handy: [link]
Slate tells you which races results indicate how big the Republicans win by. So if you don't want to stay up super-late, you can stay up moderately late until those results are in and go to bed with a pretty fair prediction,
Oh god, it's going to be a long night. I fear the depressing news.
Aha! Validation that my default thing to do with an out-of-town visitor is to give them the Mission Tour!
I voted mostly Democrats where party affiliation was listed, but went for the Green Party candidate for State Auditor. (I figure a conservationist would make misappropriation of funds a bit less likely.)
Hey, hot air balloons out my window. It's been a long time since I've seen a hot air balloons.
Timelies all!
Yay Theo!
I voted on my way home from work. I'm not planning to watch any of the coverage.