Just read more. Apparently people are getting out of hand in the Outer Mission. Dammit.
Dear Nice But Weird Neighbor:
How many times do you have to spend hours yelling & whistling while walking around the block, annoying your neighbors, before you realize that letting your dogs cruise around off-leash is the cause of your (and our) problem?
Heh. A real SF celebration. From the Chron:
On Market Street, the celebration quickly turned wild and unruly, with revelers jumping on cars, rocking Muni buses, tossing beer bottles, lighting fireworks and blocking traffic at Seventh Street.
In the city's Castro neighborhood, rowdy residents tossed toilet paper over the Muni lines, briefly halting service while police officers did a quick cleanup.
About 1,000 people swarmed 18th and Castro streets, tossing more toilet paper and blocking the intersection.
Earlier, at the 44 Castro bar, the crowd had erupted in screams as the last strike flew over the plate to end the game and give the home team the trophy. Boys kissed boys, other boys booed George W. Bush and three beefy barmen stripped off their shirts and yelled, "Yeah!"
Manager Marshall Beichner leaped on the bar and shouted the oft-dreamt of, but rarely heard: "Open bar the next five minutes!"
South of Market, homeless men cheered outside a shelter as boom boxes broadcast the game.
I shall give mine a shot, Bev. But after tomorrow and my dental appt. I suspect there is an adjustment period and I don't want an already sore mouth.
I don't think it's going to be a problem, Spidra. The police were ready and primed for something to go off. I'm sure they're coralling everything right now.
Sounds like the problems were confined to property damage, thank goodness.
Sounds like SF had quite the celebration.
I'm staying home from work today. After sleeping for at least 9 hours (with a 4 hour awake period in between), I am actually still feeling tired. (I also figure that if you have to wait 24 hours after a fever to take your child to daycare, we grownups should possibly follow the same sort of rule about going to work.)
I plan to wait for the best (warmest) part of the day to go vote but vote I shall. Don't love the candidates but don't want the worse ones to get in without a fight.
I voted! I got to vote for my next-door neighbor, for mayor. I don't think he's going to win, which in part is what allowed me to vote for him. I am possibly a bad person. He's a good guy, and I think he'd be a fine mayor, but he definitely has a politician streak.
And yet, I feel like my teeth hurt MORE! Sigh. I expect it may still be better for them.
I have a hard plastic guard for clenching and I wasn't wearing mine because it gripped really tightly around my teeth and was uncomfortable. I could only fall asleep wearing it if I was dead tired and would only sleep about 4-5 hours with it in before I had to get up and take it out. (And the drool, my god the drool!) My dentist readjusted it, cut it down a bit and made it less grippy. It helped a bit. But I still am inconsistent about wearing it.
the cats had me up from 4:30 - 5:30. As payback I am taking them to the vet today (actually we already have an appt, so it's not payback, except IN MY HEAD).
I am full of gronk and yawns.
I am full of gronk and yawns.
Me too. I have to go get my blood drawn before work, which means I need to leave the house a little after 7:00. I'd try that payback thing, but I'm already doing it.