I habe a code.
And a sore throat. Hoping it's not strep. This is what I get for going on vacation, right? Strange microbes!
Do I have to have my voter registration card to vote? I can't find it. I voted in the same place last year; they should, like, have my name on a list, right?
In CA, your name would be on a list at the polling place.
Rick Fox just planted one on his dance partner at the end of their routine, and the cameraman immediately cut to Eliza Dushku in the audience for a reaction shot. Awkward!
You guys! Look what was waiting for me when I got home today, from Anne W, who is awesome, and talented, and all other sorts of Good Things.
His name is George, and Dita wants to eat him, but she can't.
Eeeee!!! George is totally cute!
Yay! I'm glad he got there safely!
I'm dreading the elections, but at least the ads willl be over. I'm praying for a surprise. A good one.
OK, so I decided to at least give the heat a test run. At least to keep it at 65 for the next week. Let the vibrating floor commence!*
* I'm not really sure how it works, but the pumping action for the radiators means when the furnace is running, my floor rumbles.
I'm bathed so I no longer smell like a stevedore. I wish I had access to a masseur. There are few places on my body that don't hurt right now. Quick dinner. Kitchen chores will have to wait 'til tomorrow. I need to recharge.