OK, so I decided to at least give the heat a test run. At least to keep it at 65 for the next week. Let the vibrating floor commence!*
* I'm not really sure how it works, but the pumping action for the radiators means when the furnace is running, my floor rumbles.
I'm bathed so I no longer smell like a stevedore. I wish I had access to a masseur. There are few places on my body that don't hurt right now. Quick dinner. Kitchen chores will have to wait 'til tomorrow. I need to recharge.
And George is adorable, and good luck with Dita.
George is adorable!
And speaking of cute, a young artist friend spiffed up a couple of shots of me and Bartleby. The fellow has some talent.
Me & the little guy
Bartleby waaay close up
George is adorable. No eating, Dita, no eats.
Just looked it up and I made it a whole 3 weeks longer before turning on the heat. Yay?
(And I can tell the difference after just a bit, and it's only gone up a degree.)
Just looked it up and I made it a whole 3 weeks longer before turning on the heat. Yay?
Me too! I waited as long as I could.
In fact, I just ordered a new heating pad so that I can warm my bed (plus, relax my shoulders) and keep the heat down at night.
While I'm grateful to have central heat, I really, really don't like it. It's very loud and totally inconsistent. The heat goes up, then goes down, then goes up...sweater on, sweater off. Ugh.
Yay for javachik, Hec, and other Giants fans!
I have octo-envy! George is adorable, and Anne is indeed awesome.
OK, random question: I apparently clench my teeth at night (I don't grind, just...clench). I got a nightguard from the dentist, which is supposed to not STOP me from doing it, but at least prevent the teeth from cracking under the pressure.
But when I wear it, I swear I feel like I do more clenching than when I don't! I'm more likely to wake up with sore teeth and aching jaw. So, is it worth wearing to help my teeth, or should I not wear it and maybe not clench AS much?