I had a breakthrough on my Hated Project, mostly thanks to a coworker! And I only ate two of the cookies that my department kind of stole. OK, they are huge cookies, so two is pretty excessive, but STILL. (And we only sort of stole them, because we saw them in a conference room on Friday, along with sandwiches, and the cookies were still there this morning. They should have been tossed.)
In short: Phew!
BTW, I set up the Good Stuff blog to auto post 4 times a day -- does that sound right? So I've been queuing stuff up like that, although I've also posted some stuff directly.
I think it's nice to think that that much good stuff happens on a daily basis.
I reserve the right to include random cute pictures.
I tried to put up a post on Good Things Happen, but don't know what happened to it....
Oh wait, there it is! (The People Are Awesome vid that starts with a wheelchair flip.)
In the words of Emily Littella, "Never mind."
What was it about? There are two posts still in the queue. Which is why I mentioned it -- I'd rather have the site get posts consistently, as opposed to when we all think of it and I remember to post them.
Right after posting that, I realized I hadn't checked in the last couple hours. And also, it didn't have my name attached to it.
Excuse me while I creep away to hide under a handy rock.
No, no creeping!
I don't know how to make the submissions have a name attached, and I'm kind of inclined not to, anyway...