"Oh my god, Sherlock is Sheldon!"
To an extent, but I think they're different because Sherlock could totally act like a normal human being if he wanted to. It's just not worth his effort. Sheldon is genuinely baffled by social conventions most of the time.
(One of my favorite BBT moments ever is right at the beginning of the series, in the second episode, when Leonard has to make a sarcasm sign for Sheldon.)
Aims, Pinkalicious is ADORABLE.
Rosie the Riveter:Official Amy/Aimee costume of 2010
And you totally outdid me on the Rosie front: The Amy half of the contingent.
"Oh my god, Sherlock is Sheldon!"
To an extent, but I think they're different because Sherlock could totally act like a normal human being if he wanted to. It's just not worth his effort. Sheldon is genuinely baffled by social conventions most of the time.
You're right, but the comparison amuses the hell out of me.
(One of my favorite BBT moments ever is right at the beginning of the series, in the second episode, when Leonard has to make a sarcasm sign for Sheldon.)
I've had people tell me the first season isn't as good as the subsequent seasons, but I think it's fantastic, because of things like the sarcasm sign.
The first season has the episode where Sheldon is sick, which is the greatest thing ever. EVER.
Forgot to set the VCR before I left, and got back home late, so I missed the first 40 minutes.
I'm pretty sure I recognize the staircase with statue and some of the exhibits in the background from my visit to the British Museum. Was it clever sets, or did they really get to film there?
What I saw of the puzzle didn't impress me, and Watson's date was unreasonably forgiving.
Are the Sherlock episodes free-standing, each 1 1/2 hours or so?
Sometimes, when something bad is going on, I hear Sheldon in my head. "You're all doomed. DOOOOOMED."
Sherlock? Anyone?
Well not for another 20 minutes, no.
Stupid time zones. I want more Crash noooooooowwwwwwwwwwww. In HD. Where he is very intriguing looking and Watson wears cuddly ribbed jumpers.