I'm not as cranky. But I give them shit. "So...you came as a bored teenager? City or Poly? What are you, a sugar addict looking for a fix? OH! You came as Too Lame to Make a Costume! Wait, I get it, you're a ...panhandler! What kind of example are you setting for your sister?" They usually crack up, and tonight, one dude looked back up at me when he reached the street and dumped his bag into the little kid's he was with. I did golf claps.
Oh, and then there were the boys who, when they discovered I had snickers, bartered me 3 sweetarts, a whopper and milkduds for a snickers. And I wasn't giving out sweetarts. They cracked me up. I was all "REALLY?" "Ma'am, I really like snickers." Alrighty then.
I kinda have fun sorta teaching cluefullness.
msbelle, the nudist strike woman? I have no idea. She wasn't at my market.
One of my friends told me that when she took her kids downtown on Friday night, she noticed what she thought were drunken college kids staggering around. Then one of them fell on the ground. It took her a few minutes to figure out it was a zombie walk.
I'm gorging myself on Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and waiting for Sherlock.
Oh, and I almost forgot, the you teen dressed in classic 80s-Madonna, complete with fingerless lace gloves, the off-shoulder t and slouchy leather belt. I asked "Madonna?" She looked taken aback and told me it was just her regular clothes. I feigned a faint and said "Oh not again!" and she started giggling.
I wish I hadn't felt self-conscious at the market because I would have taken more pictures. There were some really interesting things I wanted to look up more information on. And my memory's pretty bad. There was also a shelf or two of La Sirena sardines that just had cool labels and I wanted a picture of that.
I had ponche in my basket and one of the Latina workers at the market asked me about it (I don't think they see too many Euro-Am folks walking out with that...) I belong to the CA Rare Fruit Growers and the lead article in our magazine this month is about tejocote, an ingredient in ponche. She told me how much she loves it and how her family usually makes it but she enjoys the bottled stuff a lot, etc. I look forward to seeing how it tastes.
It's made from fruit from a Hawthorn species [link] along with guavas, rum and other ingredients. [link]
mac is home with a full bag of candy. he just said to me "you're not really excited to see me, are you?" huh? dude, you were gone like an hour and a half max, what the hell are you expecting. Hope he is ready for me to run up and kiss him tomorrow afterschool, that'll learn him.
I'm gorging myself on Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and waiting for Sherlock.
In this I am, Cashmere. Except Sherlock's started here.
Here is my not at all cute but very scary tiger [link] and The Mummy. [link]
Oh, and I almost forgot, the you teen dressed in classic 80s-Madonna, complete with fingerless lace gloves, the off-shoulder t and slouchy leather belt. I asked "Madonna?" She looked taken aback and told me it was just her regular clothes. I feigned a faint and said "Oh not again!" and she started giggling.
I saw a young woman on the street today who I couldn't decide if she was in 80s costume or not!