Happy everything to everyone!
Hi, Nilly!
We had tapas last night, and I was right, I don't like beets. But they were delicious, and folks in downtown Van were very cool. I saw the best Rorschach, along with a whole lot of other costumes.
Having a great time (my BFF's kid is EIGHT--I'm appalled that we're all this old), but my headache is starting to loom and not go away. I will be plowing through my pain meds unduly in a second. Just trying to put that off before I get up properly for the morning.
their building definitely has a shabbat mechanism.
I've never thought about elevators and shabbat, but it does make sense when you think about it. I love the clever things that appear in the world.
Nilly! Yay! It's always so good to see you here!
Happy Halloween, everyone -- and happiest of anniversaries to Jilli and The Adorable One Pete!
We have a monster pumpkin to carve in a little while. And Sara to sedate until it's time to trick or treat. She's a leeeetle excited.
Don't sedate her with candy. It never ends well.
Last night was fun; my outfit contained not one, but two fake stabby items, so I was pleased. The orc sword (in case, I suppose, post-apocalypse Velma had orcs to contend with, but it was the LAST WEAPON left at Target) was almost as big as me, so I had it slung over my back, and I kept stabbing people inadvertently with it.
My constant shoulder and neck pain from the last 4 days was with me despite red wine and lots of tylenol, so I bowed out at about 12:30.
I think today will be grocery shopping. Perhaps I'll make chili, and I really want zuchini bread.
Most elevator buildings in New York have a Shabbat setting. Go on, act surprised.
I woke up inexplicably at 6, but it was a twitchy awake. Spent the next 3ish hours unsuccessfully trying to go back to sleep. Gave up and did a TJs run. Still feeling twitchy. Will go swim in a bit to see if that helps. I NEED to get started on the next phase of the stairs, but I'm having the "ack, new skills! Don't know what I'm doing!" avoidance mode.
Drive-by, as I'm on my way up to the mountains to chill for a couple of days--
But here's some awesome photos from the Rally to Restore Sanity yesterday:
Don't Panic, indeed.
Happy Anniversary, House of Reason!
Up later today. Skipping the LAVA salon. Will try to make a garden plan today.
Article on fonts for political campaigns: [link]
Happy Anniversary Jilli and Pete!
It is, in fact, their 13th Anniversary! Spooooooky!
Nilly! It's so good to see you posting here.