Timelies all!
We went to rally today. Holy shit was that a lot of people or what? We got there around 11:15, and ended up outside of the official area, across 7th street. Occasionally I could see the top of one of the two furthest bigscreens, and I could hear stuff maybe half the time, between the varying sound levels of the PA and the people around us screaming. (Usually
"Lower the sign!" at people walking and/or standing in 7th street)
Did hear the train-off, which was quite amusing. (As Gary put it, "I never thought I'd see Ozzy Osbourne live!")
I just got some trick or treaters looking to get a jump on the Halloween rush.
Second and fourth stories in the link are the ones that made me cry and were probably the most compelling. (There were 7, plus the 3 -3 minute audience members at the show.)
We have 2 groups of 4-5 Trick or Treaters tonight. Dillo told them, indignantly, that Halloween is TOMORROW! But we gave them candy anyway. Apparently some towns in the area did it tonight, and people were all confused. So annoying.
yeah, there's a whole thing because of the Saints night game tomorrow.
I better get lots of tort-ers, because I have a shitload of candy since I ran out last year AND I wasn't even home for the prime pre-twilight hours. I figure more will be out since it is a weekend, so fewer school things and parents barely getting off work.
Also, I either got sun or windburn on my face and ears today. They're burny and itchy.
I have broken into the treats and can't stop eating. It's terrible!
We now have a family chart of chores. Somethings are everyday things, then each day we each have one specific thing to do around the house.
The front room is looking the best it has thus far. I tranferred items from an old paper box to a plastic bin and toassed a good half inch of papers. Also cleared out a partially emptied large plastic bin, so that will go to the garage. Depending on when the guests get here tomorrow, I may go through some files for more papers to shred.
I went to the doctor for help with the migraine. After I got a shot for the pain, and while I was waiting to see if there were any deadly side effects, I checked my phone to discover that large amounts of shit hit the fan yesterday at work.
So now I'm working.