Right, people think of Big Hair as a purely eighties phenomenon, but it probably peaked (so to speak) in the early nineties.
I know this is a self-centered view, but I'm pretty sure it's true that the 90s didn't really start until Nevermind came out in the fall of 91. It's self-centered because I was in high school, curling my bangs and wearing tight jeans, until mid-91, and by Christmas I was in college wearing flannel with flat hair.
Bad singing is not what I worry about when I think that idea can go south.
Oh, of course. What I've heard about the concept makes me think it could be fine.
SPOCK BLOCKED! My new favorite thing!
Also, I now have "I'll Never Tell" in my head too. It's by far the most earwormy song from that ep.
She loves these skeezy cheeses I just can't abide
I also love the term Spock blocked. And Simon & Nick are adorkable. They really need to work with Ben Browder on something. Or Nathan Fillion.
I thought it was
that I can't describe
Simon and Nick did Top Gear and were hilarious.
My issue with the mall hair is NOT the bigness, it's the untamed frizziness of it all. Plus the hand cropped t-shirts. That never was going to be a good look.
They really need to work with Ben Browder on something.
Ben Browder's brother is a Busch Series stock car racer. They sooooo need to call him!!!
Well, as a faux-Canadian you are a colonial.
Yeah, but things that seem normal to a person don't register as not the usual way until someone points it out. Like, when Nutty complained about how the way Fillion said borrow all Canadian-like in Firefly threw her out of the moment, I was hella confused, because again, that's how the word's SAID, right?
So I made other people say it, and realized that, no. Americans say it WEIRD, like burrow (there is an O in it, people), and I hadn't noticed before, and then I was really self-conscious about saying the word for a while.
ita, it was a printed E that was all curved like a cursive E, rather than blocky like the E on a typewriter. My E is always curvy, printed or cursive. I will note that this probably stems from a lifetime of forging my mother's sig when required (sometimes with her permission), as her name is Esther.
Ewan McGregor! In a hat! On a bike! WITH A PUPPY! [link]