Good luck theo!
I've had a great day. Market, hang out with friends and then a two hour nap on the couch.
Peeps, my coworker is tweeting from Boston, wanting to know what she should do tonight. Any suggestions? She's big on Movies (esp horror)& slightly geeky.
I'm eating roasted beets, with olive oil and gruyère and salt and pepper and garlic. If you'd told me last year that I'd be happily shoveling beets in my face, I'm not sure what I would have said, but it definitely wouldn't have been complimentary.
Glad mac is home, if stubborn.
Lot of my local friend went down to DC. Given I don't have cable, I only have passing knowledge of Stewart and Colbert.
It took 40 minutes, but Loki and I made it all the way around the block! (Block = 10 rowhouses, up the front and around through the alley.) It was while it was still light, so he could see the birds and shit, which made it pretty wild when he'd bolt, I'd run and then he'd stop running to see why I was running, so I'd come to a screeching halt. He also flung himself at a tree and got up a couple feet. He's getting a lot more confident.
Oh and I found my shirt. I suspect my friend was right: I can blame the cats. It was on the floor of the closet, but covered with a pile of shoes I have not worn in a while, so there was some burial action at work.
I really have too small of open yaard, no real need for mulch beyond what already happens in my yard and then there are the rats, which would turn it into a condo, so no composting for me. And I really don't need another thing to tend.
I'm glad mac came home on his own, msbelle. Sorry he's still being a butt.
We had 20 4-6 year olds here today for a Halloween Party. Afterwards, I took a 2 hour naps to recuperate. I'm eating cheese balls and watching Underworld.
We still need to carve our pumpkins. I should put on Charlie Brown for that.
OMG, they taped the Stoop I was at and are airing 3 of the best ones : Available at [link] (though I really wish they'd included the one from the woman who travelled to Ireland as a teen instead of the first one.)
I am so resentful of mac not helping to straighten the house, even when I specifically ask him to help me with something. I cannot imagine how I would handle it if I had a non-helpful spouse.
Timelies all!
We went to rally today. Holy shit was that a lot of people or what? We got there around 11:15, and ended up outside of the official area, across 7th street. Occasionally I could see the top of one of the two furthest bigscreens, and I could hear stuff maybe half the time, between the varying sound levels of the PA and the people around us screaming. (Usually
"Lower the sign!" at people walking and/or standing in 7th street)
Did hear the train-off, which was quite amusing. (As Gary put it, "I never thought I'd see Ozzy Osbourne live!")
I just got some trick or treaters looking to get a jump on the Halloween rush.
Second and fourth stories in the link are the ones that made me cry and were probably the most compelling. (There were 7, plus the 3 -3 minute audience members at the show.)
We have 2 groups of 4-5 Trick or Treaters tonight. Dillo told them, indignantly, that Halloween is TOMORROW! But we gave them candy anyway. Apparently some towns in the area did it tonight, and people were all confused. So annoying.