Even though I'm buried with work, I'm kind of liking my company today. The Red Cross donation thing, an announcement of an award for 100 Most Ethical Companies, and now this:
We’re going to adopt an Illinois best practice just for tomorrow morning – and have a ‘late start’ tomorrow (Friday) in honor of St. Patty’s Day.
In other words, we’ll see you in the office one hour later than your standard start time (if your workload/schedule allows!!)
That's a new one on me! Unfortunately I actually have to leave early tomorrow, so I may or may not take advantage.
Why am I arguing with a not-yet-7-year-old where St. Patrick was born? Stupid movie they saw at school seems to have told them he was born in Ireland.
Because you went back in time, and my mom was tired of arguing with me?
Or perhaps the last item on this list is the problem [link]
I didn't realize until recently that today is the day he died, rather than his birthday.
In cross-your-fingers good news, it looks like they've gotten offsite power to Unit 2 and have gotten a backup generator working to cool the spent fuel pools in units 5 and 6. I haven't seen anything recent on the status of the unit 4 pool.
Well, that's excellent news.
The workshop I've been at since Monday finally, in the last two hours of the last day, got around to talking about the stuff I do. And they blasted through it so fast we didn't address anything in detail. I did learn a few things that I didn't know were going on, which just makes me resentful rather than enthusiastic.
... I have a bad attitude. Huh.
Possibly it's time for ice cream or something.
In bad news on the individual rather than the plural-of- apocalypse scale, I just hit a large wire that I have no idea how it got in my yard, and now my brand-new mower won't start.
Ugh, Ginger. I hope it will after a bit.
... I have a bad attitude. Huh.
One of us, one of us!
I'm assuming it's that I'm sick and a little bit hungover from last night.
I know my bad attitude grows exponentially as the amount of snot increases
Fricking BadAttitudeandSnotTardis